Chapter 3 - Pansy

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I went down the staircase, and sure enough, a loud screeching sound was in my ear.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" She whined in that sickening tone. "Where were you? You said that you would meet me in transfiguration! But you weren't there. So I was stuck working with Zabini. Are you even listening to me? Where were you? And why didn't you tell me you were going somewhere else? Answer me Dracy-poo!" Ah, yes, my monster, well the monster who wishes it was mine, anyway.

I didn't really want the common room's attention, considering what happened at breakfast and all. But of course, nothing right was going to happen to me today, was it? Well, except for meeting her anyway.

I was just thinking of the times we could have together, when I could feel monster's glare piercing through my head, as if it was trying to burn a whole in the spot. I looked at it... I mean her... and just knew what she was about to say. I started to shake my head, telling her that it wasn't true, but it was too late.

"Merlin Dracie! Were you with another girl? I'm going to kill her, where is she? What's her name?!" It sickened me what I had to say, but I couldn't risk my beloved's life.

"Pansy darling, listen, you are the only one for me, how - why would I cheat on you, when I have my mo-marvellous, amazing, supermegafoxyawesomehot, perfect, pure blood, slightly evil, girlfriend already? You. Are. My. -" With each of these words, I took a step closer towards her "- One. And. Only. No one else can even compare to you. So please, believe me, for I have all those things, in one of, no, the most beautiful body in the entire world." By now my forehead was resting against hers, and I could tell that her heart was bumping as quick as mine.

But mine was bumping fast, because I was scared, yes I, Draco Malfoy, was scared. Scared that Pansy would realise I was lying.

Anyway, our foreheads were both resting against each other's. No matter how many times we had boasted, or said anything about it before, me and Pansy had never, ever kissed before. But if I wanted her to believe me, I had to. I leaned in, at the same time that she did. And our lips met. I hated it, but couldn't say that.

Our lips moved in sync, but hers were more desperate; desperate for it to keep going, for it to never end. After what seemed eternity, but in reality had been a matter of seconds, we broke apart. I heard wolf whistles around us, but I didn't care, I just wanted to concentrate on her, and make her believe me.

She was wearing the face that I was trying to pull, and it looked like I succeeded. But I had to go. Despite my heavy breathing from the kiss, I tried to tell her this. Using my acting, I pretended with all my might that I didn't want to leave her.

"Pans, it's - it's time for class. What do you have? We can walk together." And her reply was just so tedious of Merlin.

"Drake, it's a free period for all Slytherins, that's why everyone's here." Free period. Two words I would normally celebrate for, but right now, that meant five things - more Pansy; more than likely lots of teasing about the breakfast time incident; the homework Pansy handed me ("I got this for you, we can work on it together!"); so even more Pansy; and being so preoccupied with all this, no more of my one love. Great, this must be my lucky day.

So we sat down together, and started studying. It was partly practical homework, one that Pansy just so happened to be great at. I was better at the written than the practical, so I had to keep holding her hand, and have correcting my hand movements. When I finally got the hang if it, she leaned over, and I thought that she wanted another kiss, but then found out that she wanted to do something much worse; she whispered the worst three words she could when I was in that sort of situation. And I obviously did worse, and whispered them straight back to her.

"I love you."

"And I love you." I was an idiot.

I had to get away. I broke my quill, by 'accident', then hurried upstairs to get a new one. Once I got in, I locked the door magically. I hurried over to my lovely, green, crying love.

*PANSY'S POV* [A/N: Haha, didn't see that coming, did you? XD]

I was confident that I could do this, and tell Drake my feelings for him.

"I love you." It was only a whisper, but from the look in his eye, he heard me alright. I was worried, I had been so sure that he would tell me that he loved me too, I mean, I know that we had literally only just had our first kiss, but still... I had been so sure that he loved me too.

"And I love you." He had said it. I had said it. We had both said it. It must have only been a few seconds that I had waited for him to reply, but it had seemed to last forever and back to me.

"Ah shit." He muttered when he broke his quill. "Hey, Pans, I'll be right back, okay? I'll just go and get another quill."

He smiled slightly at me, but something was different. Then, he got up and hurried up the stairs, just as I was about to offer him one of my spare quills.

Something was up with him, and I was going to find out; nothing could stop me.


A/N: So oh awesome people, how do you like it? Like it in Pansy's POV or not? Another of my story chapters dedicated to @everhg, for commenting, and posting her thoughts. THANK OO! Once I read her comment, I finished writing this chapter. If you haven't already, please check out my other stories, fan me :) , and don't forget to vote :D Thank you awesome person, who might be a tiny bit insane, because your reading a story about a fictional-to-muggles-who-are-in-denial-that-they're-a-muggle character, and an apple. Bye bye


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