Chapter 5 - Bargaining with the Devi

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A/N: ... I'm back. *scratches the back of my neck awkwardly*... So er, 9 months eh, since I last updated... Sorry. Like, this story was just for fun. For the sake of it really. And over 840 reads now, and 45 votes. Thank you! I shall now write the much (or not so much if you've given up by now) awaited Chapter 5...

*Edit*: WTF? This is the fifth sorry that comes up when you search for "drapple". Okay then...

*Pansy's POV*

He was a kissing an apple. I was replaced by an apple. I wasn't sure what to do at first: cry, slap him, or prove I'm better than the piece of fruit that lay upon his bed.

"Pansy, this isn't what you think. I can explain-" I gave out an unattractive snort.

"You can explain this? You can explain why you were telling an apple about how much you love it-"

"Her." He muttered, blushing a glowing red.

"Draco, apples don't have genders. Merlin's Beard, I can't believe-" I cut myself off with a sigh of frustration; how was I supposed to explain this to him?

Here I am, face-to-face with a situation I never thought I'd see, it's strange.

"You can't believe what Parkinson?" I gasped. He had never, ever called me that before, even when we had are worst and longest argument. We've known one another for pretty much the entirety of both our lives.

"I can't believe that you were kissing a freaking apple! I can't believe that I love you! I don't want to, because you're an idiot! A self-absorbed ferret!"

"At least I don't look like a pug!"

"I'D RATHER BE A PUG THAN A MALFOY! Just you wait Blondie, you and your entire family will be broken and lost and you will have nothing." I paused, before letting an evil smirk slither onto my face. "Speaking of your family... Wait until your father hears about this... His son and heir with a non-Pureblood non-witch..." his eyes widened in shock.

"Don't tell him." He choked out as he paled even more, giving his face the dusty appearance that someone had coloured his face in with calk. "Please Pansy, I'll do- I'll do anything!"

"What a shame I'd don't want anything from you right now." I replied, looking at my emerald fingernails, inspecting them. I looked up to see that in those few minutes since I had entered the room, he had came to look terrible. His face was sunken in, pale, chalky, and as white as a vampire's. His eyes were glazed with shock, a coating of despair, and then desperation painted on top. He had pulled at his hair in exasperation, and was- shaking slightly in fear.

"Please, don't! I'm... I'm- I'm begging you!"

"Sorry, what was that?" He glowered at me.

"I am not repeating it. You heard me Pansy."

"Firstly, I thought we were on surname-basis now? And secondly... You were begging?" He nodded, ashamed of the words that had spilled from his mouth, causing me to laugh at him mirthlessly. "A Malfoy, begging? I shall forever treasure and cherish this moment, don't worry."

"Pan- Parkinson. Look, can we please just make a bargain or something?"

*Draco's POV*

Why did I say that? A bargain with her is like bargaining with the devil himself. Sure enough, an evil, malicious glint took over her eyes, and she looked at me.

"You have to do as I say. For as long as you love that apple."

"But I'll always love Elppa." Once more, my heart took over my words, and I said something I would regret.

"Elppa?!" She cackled, the name amusing her. "How imaginative!" Sarcasm was spoon-fed into her words.

"What do you mean? I didn't exactly name her myself!"

"Then how would you "know" her name?"

"She told me." I said defensively.

"Draco... Apples can't talk."

"Well Elppa can!"

"Elppa is apple backwards you idiot!"

"No it's- oh... Well I knew that!"

"Anyway. Do we, or do we not have a deal?"

I looked into her horrible eyes that were radiating the air of having won.

"I don't have a choice, do I?"


"Fine. I'll- I'll do whatever it is. Just don't tell anyone."

"Alright." She headed towards the stairs, but as she reached the doorway, she turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow. "Out of curiosity though... What would you actually do if I told?"

That was one thing I hadn't thought of yet.

A/N: Okay, first thing's first: SORRY!

I didn't realise how long it has been, but I'm starting a schedule now, and it's hopefully one I can stick to.

I won't offer any lame excuses, just that I'm incredibly sorry and will write another chapter right now to make up for it.

-Alice xoxox

P.S: Sorry guys :3

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