Chapter 2- Meeting her

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Just as I was leaving, I noticed her. She shone out like a beacon, no, a star, the brightest star, the freakin' sun didn't compare to her. It couldn't. It was- it was like love at first sight.

Even though I had to get changed, I couldn't resist wandering over to her, and was about to introduce myself, when a hand pulled her away. I saw that the hand who pulled away the first girl I ever had a crush on, and realised that it was none other than Ronald the Weasel. I couldn't stand the fact that Harry Freakin' Potter chose him, the poor little Weasel, over me, Draco Malfoy, possibly - scratch that - the wealthiest kid in the whole god damn entire school. Well Harry Potter would soon see. The reign of Malfoy is drawing near. I'll have the greatest wizrd career, and it's gonna be totally awsome.

. (A/N: Sorry, I can't help putting AVPM quotes in, and it seemed appropriate enough.)

Back to the story, the Weasel had stolen her, and was about to give her a love bite. I quickly rushed over, and took her away from him. How dare he just take her away from me like that?! It ended up that she didn't like him either. Ahhh. She was just so... mouth-watering. I would have to make my move soon. I would never forgive myself for losing her, and once a boy looked at her, I'm certain that he would never forget her, and that he would do anything for her. I know that I would.

I quickly ran off with her, ignoring the Weasel's complaints behind me. I ran into my dorm, and told her that I was going into the bathroom. I wouldn't (but I'm sure she would) mind if she saw me change - although I wasn't going to move that fast. I went back into the bathroom, quickly got changed, then stood there like a doofus, taking in her beauty. She was so curvy, and looked so tender. I stayed there for what seemed like ages, then unfortunately I remembered transfigurationShe didn't seem to want me to leave. I was going to go, but I didn't want to leave her, and there was only 29 minutes left of the lesson, so there was less than half left. No point in going to a lesson which is already over half way through already, is there?

During that time, I got to know her better. She was just so sweet, and breathtaking, I couldn't believe that she would talk to me, when that 'thing' happened earlier. I inwardly sighed, she was, in all honestly, the most beautiful girl in the school- no, that wasn't good enough. She was the prettiest girl in the whole World! In the History of the Universe, no-one could be more beautiful than her. The thing is though, she had a terrible, terrible past. One that no one should have. I'll tell you...

It all started a few months ago. She was at her house, eating, when someone kidnapped her! She tried to struggle away, which just resulted in her being gripped harder. Then, it was her her poorly brother, who was chucked him away once they saw his infected area. She was put in a giant container, with lots of other men, women, and children. Then, the whole thing shook, and this went on for a while. It was too late, her brother was gone forever. Suddenly, it stopped, and she thought - hoped - that that was it. But it wasn't.

She was dumped down (still in the container), and everyone jumped because of the impact, and some got jumbled up. She said that she could remember that a mother was desperately trying to get to her child. The shaking started again, but gentler this time. She eventually managed to get to sleep, but it was difficult. At long last it stopped. Then, she was scooped up, and dumped in a sack. Some others were put in with her.

Including the mother, who was screaming for her son, Jimmy. It was depressing apparently, and it sounded as though it was. Then the travelling came again. The mother was still crying.

Soon, it came to an abrupt halt. They were left in the bag. Again came the giant hands, which once more seized the bag, and put her on a counter. There, she could see that money was being exchanged between the two people. She was grabbed once more, then, it felt as if she was being squeezed through a tube. Now, it was time for being put into a large golden thing. From here I knew what happened. Weasel picked her up, and was about to bite her, but not as in a love bite, no, just a normal bite. I was outraged. She was crying very hard by now.

She thanked me for listening to her story, in a snivelling voice. I told her that it was no problem, then hugged her. I kissed her cheek gently, then blushed, and looked away. I looked back at her, to see that she too, had red cheeks. I took a picture of us smiling at each other, with one of the muggle cameras.

Just then, I realised that the bell would go in about 5 minutes, so I grabbed the rest of my books, slung my bag over my shoulder, double, and triple checked that i was wearing my uniform, then blew her a kiss, and disappeared down the staircase, that turned from the staircase leading to my common room, and into the staircase that lead me to humiliation, disaster, strife, gawking, and a whole load of other things. First and foremost? Pansy Parkinson.

[A/N: Hi guys, hope you enjoyed it, please, please, please comment, fan, and vote, and also check out my other stories! Thanks for reading this,

gred_forge4ev4 :)

This story is now undergoing editing. I know its rubbish and incredibly poorly written, but it is supposed to be like that.

Thanks for your patience,

-Alice xoxox

No one like you (A Drapple fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang