Chapter 3, 'Home XDS'

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Maria walked along side Sam. They didn't talk. Maria felt awkward. She had not met any other Adult in her lifetime. They all went round about 2 rights and 2 lefts to get to the base. It didn't look like a base at first. Well I guess that's a good thing said Maria in her head. Maria walked Inside. The base was huge. "We call this 'Home Lon' " Sam said, sounding smart. Nathan Shouted " MEGAN, JENNA. WE GOT NEW PERSON". Maria put down Holly. Hoping she wouldn't lose her. But holly never went of on her own. She just followed Maria.  Sam showed where to put Maria's stuff. She put her Bag Next to the weapons and walked with Sam. Eventually The girls Nathan shouted came by and said hello. But they were busy. Sam showed Maria where they keep the weapons, the clothes and The bedrooms. They finished the tour and Maria got her bag. Because Nathan had a surprise. They went through the corridor where the bedrooms were and turned in to what Sams  bedroom was. There were bunkbeds. " One for me. And one for you" Sam said. Maria ran for the bottom bunk. The bedsheets were Disney princess ones that Maria and her Mom used to watch on video tapes. "Mom" Maria thought. "What will she be doing." Maria tried to forget. But couldn't. Leaving her left her with guilt.

Nathan's radio went off. "Hmm Nathan? We could use a hand with something and we could use a small person. You wanna send up the girl for us. He would be useful." The sound of A woman ended. Nathan replied " Sure thing. Sam will take her up" Nathan told them and Maria put down her bag next to her bed and followed Sam. The cat was still following.

They made it after 5 flights of stairs. They saw Jenna and a Man Maria had never seen. Jenna introduced him." This is David. He's kinda new here but he's helpful" David waved and went back to fixing something. Sam said bye and said "I will be down Washing the clothes" Jenna explained what Maria had to do. She had to crawl down and hold a light peace of metal while Jenna Fits it in. It looked like they were fitting boilers. Maria went down on her belly and lifted the metal which was very light. Jenna asked Maria " So , how did you find Sam and Nathan?" Maria Answered "I jus bumped into them I suppose." No one said anything else. The job was done in no time and Maria was allowed to leave. She went down the 5 flights of stairs and went to the front door. Nathan was there doing something In a book. Nathan noticed Maria "Hey Maria. I'm just on guard and Writing ma diary" Maria looked at the diary and Nathan snapped it shut "It's a diary. Not a Autobiography" Maria decided to leave Nathan alone. Just as she turned around a knock on the door came. Nathan stood up. Looks at the keyhole and opened it. A man stepped in. He was short. But looked well equipped. Nathan said hi to him and the man stare straight at Maria, scaring her a little. " Oh. This is Maria. Maria, This is Lennon"

The Sha series Book 2: Great Heights (Sequel to "United as we fall")Where stories live. Discover now