Chapter 6, Jumping Through

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The arrow Missed. Cherise did a Loki and catched it with her hand, Cherise walked up to her and grabbed her by the collar. Maria could smell the cigarettes breath coming from Cherises mouth. Cherise shouted " You motherfucker. I will not be killed by a child" Maria responded "Well I won't be killed by a Woman with a bad haircut. Who did it? The dead guy across the street?" Cherise slammed Maria to the ground. She saw the group shooting at men. Then she blacked out.

She woke up in a cell. She was chained to the bed. She looked around and saw Sam knocked out next to her. The door opened and a tall man walked in. The man didn't notice Maria had awoken. The man kneeled down to look at same closed eyes and licked her face. He said " your all mine now" he started to unbuckle his belt when Maria moved. He stood up straight and buckled his belt. He went over to Maria and said. " Hi beautiful Maria. I'm SHAUN. Go to sleep now" Shaun lifted his arm and knocked out Maria.

She woke up. She was now unchained. Sam was picking up Laundry and looked at Maria. "Hey. Keep calm. Act like you would if you were back at the base" Maria did what she was told. She asked Sam where the showers were and got her showers supplies. This was the time to explore Maria thought. She walked out of the bedroom and walked down what was a corridor. She went the opposite way to where the showers were. There was a lot of people here. They just walked past her. Not Noticing her. She looked into the interesting rooms. There was a weapons room. A toilet room. A kitchen (which she got shouted at for looking in) and a weird room. It was weird. It was dark. She put on the light.

Megan lay on a chair. She was naked but was sleeping. There was blood. Lots. Near her... Maria closed the door she couldn't look anymore. He ran away. And tripped. A door opened in front of her. Well more like a crack opened. She explored. He opened it and saw a bright blue light. In a circular way. She put the light on. And closed the door she went towards what looked like a control panel. She looked at it. There was a keyboard and words on the screen that write "Disgon". She looked towards the portal. And walked towards it. She stood in front of it. It was powerful. She walked forward. And found herself in another place. It looked like a high school. She turned back. The portal wasn't there.

The Sha series Book 2: Great Heights (Sequel to "United as we fall")Where stories live. Discover now