Chapter 7, Explaination

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Maria sat down. Who was she. She tried to remember all that she was. She started at the beginning. She was born on 18th of August. Can't remember what year. Her father left when she was only 1. Her mom and her lived In flat "65". She was called Maria. Daughter of ..... She thought. Long and hard. What WAS her last name.....   She couldn't. She continued thinking. When only 2 she had a terrible accident and couldn't leave the flat EVER. But why? Because her mother thought it would be safer. She stared at the marble floor. But she realised something. She was only on a flat piece of marble which was a metre long. It felt like she was sitting on a boat. And she was drifting away. Drifting away from the truth. She wanted to remember something before she awoke. She knew she was dreaming. But she was thinking. She thought long and hard on what was her mothers proper name. Maria thought. She noticed tears in her eyes. Her mother. Her mothers name. Wa....was Lizzy.

Maria woke up in the bedroom where the man "SHAUN" lived. SAM was sleeping. It was night. The Room was pitch black. She got up. She went towards SAM bed and shook her. SAM woke. Not very happy. "What? It better be important". It was like she never went to the showers. Maria told her about her mother and The room "LIZZY...... She was my best friend when we were kids. Until shaun" Sam spoke. Rather cranky. "And this room. The portal. We need to tell the others. I found their rooms. There next door" Sam and Maria both got dressed in the darkness. 

Sam said in the darkness "There are no guards about. It's their Saturday Night out" Maria opened the door. Sam went to go get the others. Maria waited. Soon enough. Everyone was out. MEGAN had no facial expression. David was essentially carrying her. Or Should I say he. SHAUN changed MEGAN into a boy. By force. Because Shaun's 'dream' friends were as intended. Maria led the way. They were running. They wanted to get away from this place. Maria found the door. She opened It and everyone ran in. Nathan Limped toward the control panel. He set the place to 'Disgon 2015, Universe 3. The portal lit up like a firework. Jenna locked the door. Sam shouted. "WE ALL JUMP ON THE COUNT OF 3, WE MUST CHANGE THIS FUTURE, FOR MARIAS SAKE. AND OURS" "Not if I can help it" MEGAN, Jenna, Nathan and David already jumped. A man came out of the dark corner. Shaun. Shaun pointed the gun towards Lennon and pulled the trigger. Lennon fell and blood poured out of his hole in his head. Maria stared at him. Everything paused. Maria ran towards SHAUN and Rammed him into the ground. Maria never knew she had this much power. Maria kicked shaun. Blood pouring out of everywhere she kicked. Shaun screamed "WHAT THE FUCK. LEAVE ME AHHHHH FUCK" MARIAS anger towards SHAUN grew. "YOU KILLED HIM. YOU SHOT HIM. WHY. WHY. WHY HIM. YOU.... YOU IDIOT. HE WAS A DAD TO ME." Maria kept shouting. Sam had to pull her off him. Shaun stood up and went toward the control panel and said "ENJOY THIS FUCKNG WORLD" SHAUN kicked Maria and Sam into the portal

52 days later

Maria held Ferrari. It was a weird experience. By the way Ferrari is Sam and NATHANS baby. Sam died during childbirth. It was only Maria, Jenna and SHAUN. They sat In a park. Maria looked up in the sky and said "One day Ferrari. We will kill the one who killed lennon. Back in the other world. Where the portal is." She looked back at Ferrari and said "But for now. Let's finish this story"

Chapter 8 coming 17th Feb 2016. Called " Butterfly effect"

The Sha series Book 2: Great Heights (Sequel to "United as we fall")Where stories live. Discover now