Chapter 4, Under

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Maria looked at Lennon. Lennon stared back. But continued to walk on. He headed down the corridor which where the weapons cell was.

It was Dinner. Maria knew this because it was Orange outside. They had Bread and butter. Nothing much. Maria sat next to Sam, Holly was next to her drinking milk. Maria watched, Amazing. She loved how Holly could drink so much milk with a lick. 

Maria was up in the bedroom. She had Lion king PJS on. She loved them. She lifted the dirty washing and headed downstairs. to the washing room. She walked in and saw Lennon putting his washing in the machine. Maria made no eye contact. She headed to the Machine with was the longest distance from lennon. "So, Your maria?" Maria froze as the words came out of lennons mouth. "Uh.... Yeah" she replied. She shut the machine door, Lennon was towering her. She stared at him. He wasn't even tall. "Look, Im not a bad guy. Im not scary. You can trust me" Lennon was sitting on the ground. like he was in primary school. his legs crossed. Maria looked at the ground. Holly went up to lennon. Lennon pet Holly. Holly started to purr. Maria trusted him. If a cat can trust him. So can she. "Hi." Maria smiled. Lennon looked at her in calming eyes. He formed a smile. Lennon sat up said " you better get to bed. Its getting late. here. I'll walk you" Lennon held out a hand. Maria accepted. They walked out and went down to the stairs. Maria let go. " I'LL RACE YOU" Maria started to run. Lennon shouted back. "FINE. TO THE BEDROOM" Maria ran. She heard Lennons footsteps from below her. She saw Jenna heading downstairs and maria waved at her. Jenna waved back. Maria raced up the stairs, Her bedroom was to the right. She took the corner. Lennon was at the top of the stairs. Maria saw the bedroom. She then heard a gun shot and Froze. Lennon froze. They looked at each over. They look over the barrier which shows the bottom middle where the entrance was. Nathan wasn't there. Lennon took out a gun. He had a knife. He gave it to Maria, and said " Use this only when you need to"They looked back at the Entrance. It was open. Men came in. A woman who seemed to be the leader. Lennons mouth opened. The woman shouted " SEARCH EVERYLAST INCH, I KNOW THEY ARE HERE" Maria asked who this was to lennon, " Thats...... Cherise."

The Sha series Book 2: Great Heights (Sequel to "United as we fall")Where stories live. Discover now