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My name is Tubbs. I'm not your normal house cat, the one that likes to run and play and jump. No, I'm the exact opposite. I like to sleep. And eat. That's pretty much it.

I enjoyed my nice, casual life. I would walk to the nearest house and eat their food, maybe even snooze for a while. Before I found my real home, I would wander around to find something to eat, but the only food the humans would put out was Thrifty Bitz. I hate the stuff. I could eat anything but that.

Normally if I came to a house with the nasty Thrifty Bitz out, I would just leave. But one day I stumbled upon a different home. This one had a big giant pillow-- right next the food bowl! I didn't touch the slop they called food, but the pillow, boy did I love that. I slept for hours on that thing. And do you know the best part? When I woke up, the bowl was full of Frisky Bitz!

It was then I knew that this place was a keeper. Sure there were plenty of other cats, but normally by the time they arrived, I had finished the food. I'm positive that everyone hated me, but I didn't care. I just ate away the pain and slept on my giant cushion.

One day after wandering around for a tiny fraction of the afternoon-- I'd get too tired if I wandered for hours like the other cats-- I returned home and my pillow was gone! My perfect bed had disappeared. Not only that, but the Frisky Bitz was replaced with something I hadn't ever seen before.

It was in the same colored bowl as my favorite food but the stuff was in a cylindrical shape and was brown with pink on the inside. I was too enraged to even think about eating it. I stomped over to where my bed used to be but then the sweet aroma drifted over to me. The smell was so enticing that I decided that I was going to eat first, then go find my cushion.

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