Lady Meow Meow

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I instantly regretted that cheesy pickup line. My skin grew hot underneath my thick white fur. I bit my tongue, hard, to keep me from saying anymore enormously embarrassing things in front of this catch.

But to my surprise, she laughed. Her gentle orange hair bounced up and down as she giggled at my train wreck of a first impression.

I blushed.

She looked up at my thicc, round face, her eyes sparkling behind her authentic Gucci sunglasses. A small smile was forming at the edges of her mouth and she moved closer to me, her nose merely centimeters from mine.

I stood frozen in place. My heart was thudding so hard in my chest I was positive she could hear it. I swallowed nervously as she continued to get closer, I could see small dewdrops of water glistening on her nose. Self consciously I wondered if my nose was wet too, so I licked it just in case.

As the space between us closed, panic pumped through my blood. I had never been in this situation before. No one had ever been interested in Tubbs, the fat cat, the one who couldn't run as fast as the other cats. I was used to just sitting alone on my pillow and eating everyone else's left over kibble. What am I supposed to do now? There's no left over kibble nearby for me to save me from this social interaction. I guess I could go to my pillow, it's only a couple steps--

A smol "boop" on my nose broke me from my thoughts and I was hurled back into reality. Her nose lingered on mine for a moment and then the gorgeous white and gray tabby stepped back, sat down and started grooming her paw.

"My name is Lady Meow Meow," she said, her voice just as beautiful as it was when I heard it in the tunnel.

I shuffled my oversized paws. "My name's Tubbs, but you already know that," I said awkwardly.

Lady Meow Meow flashed a dazzling white grin at me, her teeth sparkling. "Care to join me for dinner? Guy Furry is cooking."

My mouth salivated at the thought of food and nodded my head like a dumbstruck kitten smelling catnip for the first time. This day was turning out to be fabulous for me, I talked a beautiful girl, I found my pillow, and best of all, I was getting free food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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