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I woke up the next day on the cold hard ground. Crumbs from the meal the day before lay on my chest, some squashed into my fur. My back aches from not having my comfortable bed that I normally slept on.

I stood up and stretched, my belly swaying, flopping on the ground. I missed my pillow. There were many places it could've gone. Sometimes cats try to steal the goodies, but my cushion was to ginormous for any cat to even attempt to steal.

I dismissed the idea with a good hard scratch to the ear. Well, I wouldn't say ear, more like the upper shoulder. My legs are far to short and I'm way too fat to scratch my ears any more.

I decided to go check the human's house. Sometimes they liked to put goodies in there, but I've never really been interested. When I reached the door after a good fifteen minutes of trying to get up the stair, I saw my worst nightmare. It was a cat flap.

I've never had a good history with those things. Even when I was a kitten I had a tough time pushing through them. Every time I wanted to go outside, I always needed like five other kittens to shove me through.

I sat down heavily, anxiety beginning to kick in. This time there were no other kittens to get me out. I was on my own. I began to re-think my rescue mission for my cushion. It wasn't all that great was it?

Then I remembered the awful night sleep I got. My back hurt even more from the trek up the stair. I knew I couldn't go another night without my beloved pillow.

Tubbs the Cat: A Neko Atsume StoryWhere stories live. Discover now