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As soon as my paw touched the first step, I was exhausted. My leg trembled as it struggled to hold up my 85 pound body. I valiantly hefted my other foot onto the stair, chest heaving as I gasped for air.

Briefly, I thought of giving up, and going back to the yard, defeated. But then, I remembered what I was doing this all for; this was for my pillow, the one thing that accepted me over all the years, the one thing I could lean on, the only thing I could trust in this big bad world! I let out a yowl of defiance as I started up the stairs again, filled with adrenaline and rage. No one could take my pillow and expect to get away with it!

Finally, I made it to the top. My legs quiver as I try to stand triumphantly. I looked around at my surroundings. This was new territory to me, there could be anything lurking around the corners. To my left there's a hallway with two doors on opposite walls of each other, both closed. On my right, the hallway is longer with two doors on one wall, two doors on the opposite wall and one door at the very end. All the doors were closed on this side as well, except for the door at the end. It was barely opened, just a small crack large enough for me too see a light cascading through the darkness of the hallway.

My legs ache, but I knew I could not rest until I found my pillow. I took a wobbly step forward, towards the light.

Tubbs the Cat: A Neko Atsume StoryWhere stories live. Discover now