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The voice whispered through the air, beckoning me. It ushered me to behind a bookshelf. There was a medium gap between the wall and the back of the shelf and only utter darkness filled the space left over. I could easily get stuck in there forever.

I entered the tunnel willingly. I shoved my fat face into the hole, and shimmied my front legs in next. Then, there was my belly. I sucked in my gut the best I could and pulled hard with my forelegs. My claws dug into the soft, fluffy carpet; I heard yarn tearing. Fur scraped against wood, paws against fabric, and teeth against wall.

Suddenly there was a *schulop* and I was completely in the tunnel. My flab rippled and giggled against my big bones. The entrance was a lot more open on the inside. The ceiling was high and the walls were wide. My uncomfortableness dissolved into the warm darkness. Now that my unreasonable amount of fat had covered up the light from the previous room, my eyes began to adjust an I could see a twinkle of white at the end of the hole.

The angelic voice was back an it was getting louder the more I walked. I followed it in a peaceful daze. My paws floated across the ground; my fur seemed to begin to drift towards the sky. I flew in the most beautiful grace that I had ever experienced in my life.

Then the wall hit me. I stumbled back, balance thrown by the sudden stop and my unhealthy obesity. I fell to the ground with a *fluop* and the angelic voice cut off sharply. I was at the end of the tunnel.

The light seared my retinas, which had adjusted to the dimness of the cave. I blinked rapidly to stop my eyes from tearing up. As soon as I could see, I stood up and walked to the exit.  The hole was much wider over on this side so I slithered through it with little inconvenience, besides a few minor scrapes on my sides. 

I examined my injuries briefly before I glanced at my surroundings. What was waiting for me across the heavenly room was the most elegant and beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life.

But who was that sitting on my beloved pillow?

Tubbs the Cat: A Neko Atsume StoryWhere stories live. Discover now