Useless good-for-nothing brat!

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"I then moved away from the 'American flag' and started to walk in the other direction.

"Um excuse me where are you going?" I herd my da-Tony ask and I rolled my eyes ignoring him.

Why was he so worried all of a sudden? He never worried about me, ever since he found out what I was.

"I'm speaking to you!" He said grabbing my shoulder.

Out of instinct I swung around and slapped him in the face, he stood their stunned, I was stunned to, I didn't know I could hit that hard...

But I kept my poker face on and before he could say a word a mans voice spoke up.

"Tony, you never told us you had a daughter?" I looked to see it was 'American flag'.

Wow I really need to think of a name for this guy, American flag is just to long.

"That's because he doesn't, he hasn't for 6 years" I said quite harshly, I saw a flash of pain in Tony's eyes but it was gone as soon as it came.

"Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to my school for 'gifted' youngsters" I said stressing the word gifted, it was no gift what I was a cures.

'No your coming with us'

A voice said and my eyes widened as I said.

"I'm not going anywhere with you's!" They all seemed confused and I smirked, they didn't know that I could read minds.

When I was younger I only had one ability, which was telekinesis.

I then looked to see that the guy who was a big green monster was now just a man.

I then started to look threw all their minds and smiled at all the many tormenting secrets.

" the end of the line" I said aloud looking at 'Steve' I believe his name is.

"How sweet, I'm sorry about what happened" I said and I saw him stiffen his eyes widening a little.

"Oh and you, oh your head is just buzzing with questions using it?" I asked turning to Natasha, the only other lady.

"Natasha right?" I asked smiling evilly.

"How the hell do yo-" I quickly cut her off with my hands shutting her mouth.

"Shhh~ I'm not finished yet, so you worked with my dad? Undercover, impressive, he was always the stupid one anyway when it came to stuff like that" I said and turned to Tony and said.

"You don't deserve her"

"What?" He asked confused.

"Pepper" I simply said and his eyes widened then narrowed as he slapped me, he actually slapped me.

"Tony!" Bruce and Steve said but I just smirked.

"Oh come one, their nothing like the ones you used to give me" I taunted and he went to attack but Steve held him back.

"I'm glad I sent you away! Your a useless good-for-nothing brat!" He screamed.

I felt my heart sink a little. But didn't loose my glare.

"You know, that's the only exact thing mum said before she died" I said then held out my hand and he started choking.

I saw everyone jump with surprise as he gasped.

"And the same thing you said when you abandoned me, you know, I used to wait, to see if you would ever come back for me?, but no! Not even a  birthday card! I waited for you for 6 years! But you moved on and forgot! You forgot about me! Tossed me to the side like a piece of trash! I was 12!!! And you left me alone just like you did to Emily!" I screamed and I saw his whole body shake in fear and pain, he was scared, I like that.

Suddenly someone shook my shoulder and I felt like I was knocked out of some kind of trance, woken up from a dream.

I looked to see it was Steve.

My eyes widened when I noticed everything I had said, everything I had done...I almost killed someone.

I herd Deseret gasps for Breath and looked to see Tony lying on the ground...holding his neck.

"I-I-I'm..uh...I have to go" I stuttered but before I could leave I felt a horrible stinging pain in my leg and gasped when it started to electrocute me.

I spasmed for a second before falling to the ground.

Before I blacked out I herd voices shouting, like their where arguing.

Then everything went black...

'Your so stupid Nina!'

Why could I hear voices? I'm unconscious aren't I?

'Yes you are, stupid! Stupid!'

Who are you!?

'Nobody! Nobody!'

What's wrong with me!? How can you be talking to me!?

'You should have killed him when you had the chance!'

What? Who? Tony?

'Yes! He rewind your life! And you just let him free!'

Why do you care so much?

'I don't!'

Well why are you fussing!?

'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!'

Why won't you tell me anything!?

Suddenly I felt a cold liquid slash my face and my eyes burst open.

I looked around scared but when my eyes landed on a certain redhead woman I sighed.

I looked to see she had thrown water on me, and I was in an interrogation room.

Well this would be fun...

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