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(A/N: pic of Emily)
Natasha walked in and I glared at her, "you said you didn't want him in your head, so I knocked him out" she said, no emotion in her features.

No you didn't

My eyes widened a little, but I tried not to show it,
He was still in my head...

"Oh,um,thanks..." I mumbled not sure weather to tell her it didn't work.

"No problem, how's your head" she asked walking over to me, with a little guilty in her eyes, but it was gone as soon s it came.

'God that looks pretty bad' I herd her thoughts.

I sighed got out of my bed, I felt a bit dizzy but steadied myself and walked over to a mirror to see a bruise, all purple and blue, on my temple.

I sighed as I looked over at her, "it's only a bruise, you'll be ok" she said trying to make me feel better, I looked at her and smiled a little.

She's lying, you saw what you looked like, your horrible, ugly.

I couldn't take it and quickly blurted out, "Natasha he's still their!"


"He's still in my head" I mumbled tears building up in my eyes, then she did something unexpected, she hugged me.

I didn't judge though, I quickly hugged back, crying into her shoulder.

"It's going to be ok, we will get him out" she said pulling away.

I nodded sniffing as I wiped away my tears that had cascaded down my cheeks.

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For treating me like a normal person" I said smiling a little.

She smiled at me, she actually smiled, I had never seen her smile, even when I looked threw some of her old memories when we first met at the docks.

"Come on, their waiting" she said, I nodded and followed her out.

We walked into a room and I saw my dad, Steve and Thor all sitting down on the sofa. I looked over to the window to see Bruce sitting their and Clint was sitting on a tall chair by the kitchen counter eating some cereal.

"Hey" I mumbled as they all turned to look at us as we walked in.

I got a couple of 'hey' 'hi' and 'hello's' as I walked over to a single chair and sat on it, I curled my feet up to my chest not making eye contact with anyone.

"So guys what where you's wanting to tell Nina" Natasha stressed looking at all of them annoyed for making me feel awkward.

"Nina-" my dad started but cut him self off and put his hands in his face with a sigh, he removed them and looked over at Steve for help.

I raised an eyebrow at Steve but Steve shook his head and nudged Tony.

"Ugh! Why do I have to tell her!?"

"Because your her father!" Everyone snapped and I saw him look at me for a second but looked away with pain in his eyes.

"Your going to send me away again ain't you?" I asked sadly, tears threatening to spill.

"Wh-no Nina, I would n-"

"You would never? You've already done it!"

"Nina please listen" Natasha pleaded but I glared at her.

"Your all scared off me? Why is everyone scared!?" I screamed annoyed clutching my head.

I saw Bruce look at me sadly, "Nina, you need to ca-"

"I don't need to do anything! not for you! Not for anyone!" I screamed, the lights flickered and I could hear all their scared thoughts.

Yes Nina! Hurt them! Kill them! They are all monsters!

I smirked at their scared faces, "you know dad, the bad dream I had, it wasn't a dream, it was a memory, memories actually, off you abandoning me, and Emily, you could have saved her!" I screamed flinging him into a wall.

Steve quickly jump up, grabbing my shoulders.

"Nina stop this! This Is not you!"

"You don't know me!" I screamed frowning him off me with my force field.

I saw them all look at me scared,they didn't know I could control force fields...

Kill them! Finish then Nina!

No this is wrong! Get out off my head!

My eyes widened, I shook my head, "as long as I'm around your all in danger" I mumbled.

I saw my dad slowly walk over to me.

"No, stay away" I said warily raising my hands.

I backed up out onto the big balcony, "come on Nina it's ok".

"No it isn't, not with me around, none off you's are safe" I said, tears in my eyes.

"Nina" Steve said warningly, but I kept backing up towards the edge.

"Nina please, come back over here"

"Don't you understand!? He wants me to kill you's!" I shouted, but as I did I herd a whoosh and quickly ducked, missing caps shield as it flew over my head.

As I got up I saw my dads suit was attaching its self to him.

If I was going to do this, I needed to do it now, I needed to jump.

I quickly ran the last 2 seconds of the balcony and jumped off, "Nina!" I herd people scream.

You stupid girl!

I smirked to myself as I fell threw the air.

You can't make me hurt them anymore

Ugh! You stupid s list little girl!

Suddenly I felt arms catch me and I gasped in surprise, I looked up to see a girl, with long brown hair, green eyes, and an annoyed look on her face.

"Nina what the hell!?"

My eyes widened "how do you know my name?"

"Nina its me, Emily"

Billionaires daughter // marvelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon