A really bad dream

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I was sitting under the represent at my school...but how did I get here? I looked around trying to find someone.

But no one was around, I could see or hear anyone, I could even hear anyone's thoughts.

I turn back to the tree but bump into a hard chest which causes me to fall backwards.

"You've been bad Nina" a voice said and I looked up to see it was my dad.


"Please daddy don't send me away!" I herd a young voice plead, I looked to beside me to see...me!?

"No body is safe around you Nina!"

"Please I'll be good dad please don't leave!" My younger 12 year old self pleaded as I clung myself to his arm.

He roughly pushed me to the ground and shout. "No get off me you monster!"

"Daddy please stop! I'll be good I promise!"

"You killed her! You killed her!" He screamed.

But it didn't stop my younger self from trying to hug him, but as I did he slapped my face and sent me to the ground.

Tears stained my cheeks and I kept my eyes on the grass below me.

"What the hell is going on out here!?" Jean Grey, one of the mutants at the school asked running out side.

"That thing is a monster! She's your burden now!" He screamed as he ran back to his car.

"No daddy please! Please don't leave!" I called but he jump in the car and left...left me like i was some stranger...

"Don't worry, your safe with us" Jean said and I looked up at her wiping the tears away, "I just want my mum back".

I watched my old memory fold out I front of my eyes, I felt tears rush down my cheeks as I looked off in the direction my dad sped off in.

I still remembered this day like it was yesterday, the day I truly felt unwanted, alone....like a monster.

Suddenly the world around me changed and I saw I was in opmy old house in Miami....with Emily.

I looked around 8 and Emily and me where playing in the empty house, my dad was at work, pepper his assistant was with him, and mum was away with one of her affaires...

All I had was Emily and all Emily had was me.

We where running threw the halls laughing and playing pretend, suddenly the door bell went off and I smiled as I ran up to the door with Emily right behind me.

"Who do you think it is?" She asked and I shrugged as I opened the door.

I then saw a man standing there with a sack in hand...and a gun.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and grabbed Emily's hand was we quickly rushed upstairs.

"Come out kids! I'm not going to hurt you!"

At this point I haven't developed my ability yet and my dad hadn't created JARVIS.

Me and Emily hid under our fathers bed quivering in fear.

"If you's don't come out now I will shoot you's!" He demanded and we looked at each other, then nodded, climbing out from under the bed.

We saw him standing in the hallway smiling at us "ah, well how about this, you's get in the sack, and no one gets hurt.

"No!" I screamed at him crossing my arms, Emily looked at me and nodded stoping her foot on the ground, "we're not going anywhere with you!" Emily said and he narrow sped his eyes at us.

He then lunged for us and I quickly jumped out the way, but Emily wasn't so lucky.

He stuffed her in the sack and went to grabbed me but  the sound on the door opening and feet running around the house along with shouting stopped him.

He quickly got up and raced for the door, my dad and pepper tried to stop him but failed and he jump into his car getting away.

"He's got Emily! We have to stop him! Please we have to save her!"

"Nina! Just stop! She's gone"

My eyes hurts open and I sprung up from the bed I was lying on...it was all just a dream...a really bad dream.

I the looked to the door in the room I was in and saw it swing open and my dad was standing their.

"I herd a scream is everything ok?"

I screamed?

"Why would you care" I spat at him then I felt a pounding in my head and remembered Natasha hit me...ugh it's so sour!


"Just leave me alone" I mumbled rolling into my side, facing the other wall.

"I'll just go get Natasha" he mumbled then disappeared down the hall.

She had a lot of explaining to do, hitting me over the head like that!

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