Its sarcasm steve

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I gasped as I tried to squirm away, "no she's dead! Emily is dead!" I stated shocked.

"Nina its me, please believe me"

"How the hell are you flying!? Let go!"

"No you'll die if I do!"

Suddenly we where both grabbed and flung back up onto the balcony. "Ugh" I groaned sitting up to see 'emily' lying their rubbing her arm.

"What the hell where you thinking!?" My dad screamed looking down at me, tears pricked my eyes as I looked back at Emily.

I looked closer her, her familiar big green eyes, wavy long brown hair...freckles...I started to cry then mumbled. "It is you".

I flung myself into her arms as I cried.

"I thought you where dead" I mumbled as she rubbed circles on my back, "I would never leave you alone, especially with him" she said as we pulled away, hate in her eyes as she looked at Tony.

"Who are you? Are you a mutant to?" Steve asked, I scoffed rolling my eyes.

I looked back at Emily as she smirked at him "well I just flew with out a suit so...yeah" she said and I smirked.

"Oh you've gotten sassy, I like it" I said and she laughed.

"Nina, who is this?" Tony asked, an annoyed looked on his features.

"Well I'm surprised you don't remember me" she said as we both stood up, she tilted her head to the side and I smirked saying.

"Well everyone, this is Emily" I said and I saw some confused faces...but only one sad one.

"As in the Emily your dad and you fought about, the one who's gone?" Bruce asked a little confused.

"Emily?" Tony asked, well mumbled, still in shock "well hello daddy" she said smirking.

I herd some gasps and thoughts blurring around left right and centre, I smirked as I answered their suspicions.

"Well this is Emily, Emily Stark, my twin sister, not identical obviously" I said like it was nothing.

"Sister?" I herd Clint whisper confused.

"Wait, you have anoth-" Bruce was cut of my Clint.

"Wow Tony, two mystery kids? And Twins!? This is priceless!" Clint said laughing slightly.

They all started to pester my dad for answers so I just turned to Emily, "so your a mutant to?"


"that's cool, is flying all you have?"

"I can also shoot electricity from my hands"

"Awesome!, I can read minds, move things with it, and create force fields"

"Wow, that's a lot"

"Yup" I said as we both laughed a little, I turned to see everyone was still distracted.

My eyes widened noticing that the little voice in my head was gone, where the hell did Loki go? Is he finally gone?....

I didn't hear anything else and smiled, he must have left when I jumped, he must think I'm dead.

"Are they always like this?"

I turn around to face Emily and nod, "sadly yes".

Suddenly arms wrapped around me and Emily pulling us into a hug, "they are my daughters and I love them ok!" It was my dad...ugh!?

I sighed as he pulled away "ok,ok we get it" Steve mumbled, "you two probably want to talk" I stated looking at Emily and dad. Dad nodded and so did Emily, so I quickly walked out the room, dragging the rest of the avengers along with me with my telekinesis.

I sat by the kitchen counter eating a pop tart as all the avengers apart from my dad,-because he was talking to my long lost sister-giving me questioning looks, I try end to shrug it off but it was all so pressuring.

"Ugh stop starting what do you want!?" I moaned agitatedly throwing my hands into my hair clenching it.

"You have a sister?" Natasha asked casually. "No a brother" I saw Steve give me a weird look "yes I have a sister!" I annoyingly said.

"Then why did you say you-"

"It's sarcasm Steve" Clint said and his mouth make an 'o' shape in realisation.

I sighed as I stuffed the rest of the pop tart in my mouth, "what did happen between you Emily and your father?" Thor asked after a minute of silence.

"Ask my dad, he will probably give you the sugar coated version" I mumble.

My dad then walked into the room with Emily...she looked angry.


"Just leave me alone!" She shouted annoyed grabbing my four arm and dragging me out of the room.

"Um where are we going?" I asked confused as she dragged me past all the avengers.

"Dads liquor closet"

I smirked ear to ear, "oh yeah!".

The avengers obviously herd and tried to grab us but we quickly slipped out the door.

We rushed down the hall with them chasing after "left! Quickly left!" I said as we turned running into my dads really big liquor closet, it was so big you could fit a king sized bed in it.

Emily quickly closed the door and typed in a code causing a lock and a steel door to cover the wooden one.


"It's complicated" she said but then smiled as she held up a bottle of whiskey.

"Let's get drunk"

I smirked then said "Jarvis, whatever happens don't let anyone in"

"Of corse miss stark"

We both smirked mischievously. "Whiskey!" I cheered as she laughed.

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