Tug of war

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My screams filled the room, I shook around in fear, hands holding me down, it was all. Dream...

But how could something like that feel so real, the torture? The knife, "Nina! Nina shhh~ it's ok" my dad said bringing me into a hug, I looked around confused, I cried into my dads shoulder, I must have passed out in the cupboard...obviously to much to drink, "Nina your safe, shh, it's ok" but the voice was different....it didn't sound like my dad....oh god.

I quickly pulled away to see I wasn't in my room, I was still here, in the wear house with Loki, it wasn't a dream, he tricked me!

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed pulling away, he laughed insanely then said in a mocking voice "your safe Nina" I grimaced at him.

"Your sick! Stay away from me, what the hell do you want!?" Confusion And anger twisted into my features, he smirked standing up from him kneeling position.

"I want to be King, and to do that, I need the avengers gone" he stated, "the avengers aren't the only threat in this world! There will be more than a little boy band there to stop you" I smirked, knowing I was right, his featured turned to an unrecognisable look, but I detected it wasn't good.

"Maybe, but the avengers are the only one of them actually capable of stopping me, so to prove I Better, I'm not just going to kill them, I'll do worse" he stated.

Then in a puff of green smoke Emily appeared, oh my god...

She was half beaten with bruises all over her body, her hands where tied behind her and her mouth had been gagged, Loki pushed her to the ground next to me where I lay, almost identical to Emily, except the gag.

"Emily?! What the hell did you do!? You said she was with the avengers!?!?" I screamed, anger and fear obvious on my features, along with hers.

"I lied" he said simply, I tried to get up, but he pushed me back down again, my arms ached, he had sloppily stitched up my arms...well more like stapled...

I yelped in pain, I lay on the floor, my body ached to much to move.

"As I was saying, I'm going to do much worse, I'm going to make there life hell, by getting rid of the things they love" I squinted my eyebrows, the avengers hardly know us? Only really my dad properly cares.

I spoke to soon, suddenly, people with bright blue eyes walked into the room, looking a little like a zombie, as they dragged in more people.

"Oh this party is just getting bigger" I mutter, sarcasm and anger clear in my voice.

One of the zombie looking guys drops a boy on the floor, he looks no older than 10, he had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and glasses

"Now, tell the lovely ladies here your name boy" Loki said menacingly, I looked at the boy and saw tears streaming down his cheeks, I felt anger fill me, more than I'd felt in awhile, "shh~ it's ok, your very brave, I'm gonna get you out of here I-"

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"Now, tell the lovely ladies here your name boy" Loki said menacingly, I looked at the boy and saw tears streaming down his cheeks, I felt anger fill me, more than I'd felt in awhile, "shh~ it's ok, your very brave, I'm gonna get you out of here I-"

"NAME!!!" Loki yelled making me, and no doubt him to, jump.

"Finn Carter" he stuttered, crying.

My eyes widened...Carter? As in Steve's old lover from the forties?

"Good, now do you know why your here?"

"Because my great grandad is Captain America" he started crying even more, I pulled him over to me with my legs, hugging him protectively, "shhh~ I'll protect you" I herd Emily mumble the same thing threw her gag.

Then another person was dragged into the room...a pregnant woman??

I look at her worriedly and at Loki questionably, he smirks and points his septer at her stomach, "no! Don't touch her!" I scream, eyes wide.

But he doesn't, it only lingers over her stomach, "this baby, is an impossible baby, you want to know why? Because the beast you call banner, is the father" my eyes widened, Bruce is going to be a dad? Dose he know? What is he doesn't!? Then the baby dies!?.....I have to protect that baby.

"You 4, well 5" he smirked, "are how I'm going to get back at the avengers.

He said, then before he could push his septer into the pregnant woman's stomach, killing the baby, Finn jumps at him pushing him to the ground, in that time the woman yelps in fear, I untie Emily from behind then she untied me, and I quickly pick up Finn, before Loki can grab him, and run, calling the woman and Emily.

But I feel a hand grab my foot, I Yelp, throwing Finn who magically lands in the pregnant woman's arms, "run!" I yell and she nods, running away with Finn.

Your probably wondering, why the hell aren't you using your powers!? Well remember the hand cuffs? Well turned out the aren't had cuffs, but bracelets , which have been nailed into my wrist, I know, ouch...

I turn to see Loki was the one who grabbed me, I thrashed around trying to make him let go, then suddenly I felt hands grab my wrists, I see Emily, Who is flying in the air, holding my hands.

Now kids remember that really fun game tug of war? When on person is on one side of the rope and the other person on the other side? And you tug the rope to see who wins, Well imagine actually being the rope, can you imagine how sour it would be? Because I certainly can!

Suddenly I see Loki let go of on of my legs and with his free hand, thrust it into the air, causing my and Emily to start coughing on green smoke...but out coughs sounded different, almost...younger?

Suddenly Loki was shot to the other Side of the room by a repulser beam, and that's the last thing I saw before falling to the ground, knocking my head and falling unconscious.

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