Going a little crazy

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"Oh hey, I didn't know I ordered an alarm clock" I mumbled and I herd her scoff, "God your just as bad as he his".

Anger boiled up inside me as I tried not to start screaming at her, "I'm nothing like him" I said calmly and I saw her give me an emotionless look .

"Your everything like him, now why did Loki take you?"

"Did you think that was a question I was asking as he knocked me out cold?" I spat sarcastically.

"Don't play games Nina, why did he take you?"

I then growled, spitting in her face "Cyka" (bitch) I saw her eyes widen at the language I spoke and I smirked

Is he narrowed her eyes at me, wiping the spit of her face.

"Where did you learn Russian?"

"That doesn't matter, ora lasciami uscire Natasha prima something male accada" (now let me out Natasha before something bad happens) I said and she glared at me.

I then herd a murmur of voices and she pressed an ear piece in her ear and said.

"I'll be right their"

Then left the room, I looked down at my tied hands,my hen up at the two way mirror, I smiled innocently as I herd all their thoughts run around in my head.

'Wow she's messed up'

'What was she saying?'

'Who the hell taught her that?'

'Wow, Natasha looks mad'

'She's a monster'

I frowned at the last one then looked down, i didn't mean to be, it's all Tony's fault! He's the one that left me all alone! The one who turned me into this monster!

I felt a tear run down my cheek and I looked up at the two way mirror, which I only saw myself in, and asked aloud.

"What the hells happening to me?" I asked just below a whisper.

I then felt more tears run down my cheeks, why was I crying! No! Stop! Spot right now! You don't cry! You useless good-for-nothing brat!

Why was my mind saying these things to me?! What am I saying to myself!? No! What are they saying to me, this isn't my thoughts...someone is in my head! Yes that's it! Some little voice is trying to torture me!....wait...NO! NOOOOO! NO! HE DID THIS!

Why!? Why me please why!?

Because your the only one who can finally help me get my revenge....the one who can kill the avengers, all I have to do is give you that little push.

"No! No! Ahhhh! No! Get out! Get out of my head!" I screamed aloud, my hands broke free from their bounds and the lights in the room flickers.

People rushed into the room and I saw a worried looking Tony standing their.

"Get out! No! GET.OUT!" I screamed as Steve held my still and I saw Bruce walk up to me with a kneeled.

"No! Please, please don't!" I cried but he didn't listen.

He went to pierce my skin but I flung it across the room using my telekinesis.

"Nina! Nina calm down!" Steve said trying to hold my still as I squirmed.

Kill them, kill them all Nina!

No! No I won't kill them! Get out!

"Please, get him out! Get him out of my head!" I said crying then I saw Clint kneel down in front off me and take my face in his hands, I still tried to squirm away but he made me face him, I saw his eyes widen and he turned to Tony.

"Tony, he's in her head"

"What!? How do you no?"

"Her eyes are brown right?"


"Well right now they are blue"

Everyone in the room looked at me as I cried clutching my head.

They all hate you Nina! They will kill you if you don't kill them first!

"I said get out!" I screamed.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see my dad.

He's only using you

Stop it he's not!

He will be the death of you, then you'll wish you did kill him!

Stop! Stop it now!

"Nina, is it you in control just now?"

I nodded my head fast as I cried clutching my head.

"I'm sorry about what I said, just please make him shut up"

"Shh~ it's ok none of this is your fault-"

-he's lying, it's all your fault!

"Shut up!" I screamed and he looked startled.

"Sorry" I mumbled wiping away my tears.

"He wants me to kill you guys"

No! Shut up you useless good-for-nothing brat!

"Thanks for your co-operation Nina" Natasha said understandingly now.

"how do I get him out?" I asked my eyes watering.

"Well-" Natasha cut herself off my hitting my head into the wall really hard.

The last thing I herd was yelling before everything blacked out...

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