F i f t e e n

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Dalisay tugged her thick, ebony hair back into a sloppy bun, her reflection screaming at her in the bright lights of her shared bathroom. Her eyes, puffy from lack of sleep, looked Dalisay's mirrored image over, her lips quirking slightly to the side. It was ironic, how her mother could return to ruin Dalisay's life, even after all this time apart. Regan Wyngarde excelled at leaving destruction in her wake, whether in her occupation as a spy, or in her relationship as a mother and wife...or so she had been. Now it almost pained Dalisay to refer to her as such, because she had done nothing to deserve those titles since her abandonment. Sometimes though, Dalisay often admitted to herself that she would've done the same thing in Regan's place, however the thought only continued Dalisay's unhealing misery. Regan didn't deserve to have such a power over Dalisay, the power to corrupt her thoughts and plague her mind, but she continued to, no matter how much strength Dalisay convinced herself she had in attempt to stop it. Dalisay ran her hands underneath the cool tap water from the sink, splashing a bit to her face and cheeks to wake herself up from a seemingly prolonged stupor. She needed to get herself together, what with the mission, and Kurt, and...her mother, all more than likely going to be faced today. Dalisay exhaled sharply and exited the bathroom, her thick-soled boots pounding gently against the shag carpet of her dorm. Xavier wanted them to assemble in the briefing room at around 05:00, since the flight to Houston would take about three hours, even with Blackbird's speed. Could she do this? But then again, did she even have a say in this? She leaned against the wall before the door leading out of her room, needing to draw a single, calming breath to get herself together.

Dalisay was many things, but scared...that was rare. And nervous to boot. This was new for her, and a bit frustrating, Dalisay had to admit. She wasn't in control, she couldn't predict what would happen, or how her mother would be. She hadn't seen the woman in...twelve years? No, it had to be longer than that. The last time she'd seen her mother, she and her father were on the run from her, in Shangai, from what Dalisay could remember. That time in her life was muddled, because it was all running to her. Sleeping in strange hotels, always on the move, her father mentally unstable and Dalisay unsure what pieces to pick up or leave damaged within herself. No, this wouldn't be like that. She wasn't a teenage girl any longer, with her father to care for, and feelings to be hurt. No. Maybe, if Dalisay kept telling herself that, she'd believe it. One of these days, it would work, Dalisay had convinced herself of that in the least. But the ability to stand up to her mother...er, to Regan, was daunting and more unbelievable than not. Dalisay had been running from the woman for her entire life for Christ's sake, and such habits were hard to dispel. Shrugging away her thoughts, Dalisay glanced at her wristwatch. She had fifteen minutes to spare before the briefing, and though it wasn't much time, she desperately needed to speak to Kitty before everything went to hell.

After Dalisay had discovered that they would be capturing her mother, she'd decided to confide in Kitty, explaining to her her situation and previous lifestyle. It had been difficult, and more embarrassing than Dalisay had assumed it would be, but afterwards Kitty gave her a tight, endearing hug, and had promised not to tell anyone. For a moment, Dalisay considered making Kitty forget what they'd discussed, but decided to wait a week. Seven days had come and gone, and no one was the wiser. Now of course, Logan knew, but Dalisay didn't care what he did with that information. He already knew Regan, had dated her, even. If anyone could understand her mother's demonic nature, it was Logan, so Dalisay didn't mind taking her chances with him. Arriving at Kitty's door after securing her own room, Dalisay knocked twice, sharply.

"Kitty," Dalisay exhaled, her words and breath mingling. "Can we talk real quick?"

Kitty's door peeled open slowly, like a band-aid someone was afraid to rip off. Behind the door however, wasn't Kitty. Er, it was, but not only her. Beside her stood Bobby Drake, infamous "cool" guy and...Rogue's boyfriend.

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