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        Dalisay sat down across from Ororo, running her fingers through her still-damp ebony hair. She cleared her throat, feeling as if when she spoke, her voice would give out and there'd only be silence.

        "So...what type of classes do I need to take? I mean...do I really have to?" Dalisay felt educated enough; she'd traveled around the world and lived on her own for four years now. She didn't exactly feel as if school was what she desperately needed at the moment. 

        "We like to foster education in more...unconventional ways." Ororo supplied, essentially saying Dalisay had to take classes. "Your classes will help to foster your abilities...not just facts that you'll never use."

        What did that mean, exactly? She wouldn't be taking just the standard English and Math courses? Dalisay raised an eyebrow, and asked, "So what would I be doing, exactly?"

        "You'd be doing various simulations, with various scenarios, so you can harness your abilities and also be able to work in a group setting, not only individually." The kindly woman elaborated, moving her hands as she spoke. "You'd only be taking three or four a day, however."

        Dalisay nodded her head, as she really had no choice in the matter, and speculated whether the Professor had told Ororo what Dalisay's "ability" really was. She wanted it to remain under wraps, but being in a "group setting" meant her plans were practically thrown to the wind. She didn't want to let her powers get out of control and hurt someone unintentionally...

        "Dalisay, I'm terribly sorry." Ororo said abruptly, pulling the girl out of her thoughts. Dalisay looked up to see the man with the sunglasses...who's name she couldn't remember, standing beside Ororo, his chiseled face taut with urgency. Something had definitely just happened, something Dalisay probably wouldn't hear about until the next morning. "The Professor needs to meet with me. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask Logan or any of the other faculty you see. Will you be alright?"

        "Of course!" Dalisay answered quickly. She hoped she sounded reassuring enough for the woman to go do what she needed to and not linger there with her. "Don't worry about me."

        Ororo gave Dalisay a tight smile, and stood from the table, hurriedly following after the Sun Glass Man, as Dalisay had begun to call him. Sooner or later she'd figure out his name, even though right then it didn't seem to be the most important thing on her agenda. Not feeling hungry, she decided to take a tour around the building and find a quiet spot to just...think. The dining hall was full of too much; too many people, too many voices, too many things in general. She was definitely feeling claustrophobic, despite the fact that no one was talking to her. As Dalisay stood to leave, she heard someone clear his throat familiarly behind her, and she turned around to face Logan's stony glare. 

        "Where do ya think you're going?" He asked her tightly. "If you even know how to get there."

        "Back to my room." She replied smoothly. Why did he care, or need to know? Where she went and what she did was none of his concern. "Why?"

        "Because you haven't had anything to eat and 'cause Roro told me to look after you." Logan answered grimly.

        "Sounds like you're her bitch." Dalisay retorted with a slight quirk of her lips. "What do you owe her to be forced to look after me?" 

        She'd concluded from his obedience and seemingly "I don't give a fuck" nature, that he owed Ms. Munroe a debt, something a man like Logan would be wise to oblige. He seemed to be pretty loyal, despite his grumpy attitude. Dalisay, from her earlier conversations with him, realized that these people were the only ones he could call his family, and this place, his home. Would that be what the mansion and these mutants would become for her? Dalisay wasn't sure, but the thought of being pulled back into anything with attachment frightened her. If she wished to leave she felt as if she should be able to, no strings yanking on her to come back. Dalisay knew she was over thinking this whole situation, as she often did, but it wasn't as if she could help it. She hadn't even been at the school for twenty-four hours and she was already contemplating her emotional attachments to these people.

        "Nothin'." Logan supplied tightly, folding his meaty arms over his chest. "I'll take you back to your room."

        "That won't be necessary." Dalisay began to make her way down the walkway of the dining hall, and could hear the tread of Logan's boots behind her. She turned around, trying to keep her demeanor calm and collected, despite the swelling anger inside of her. "Honestly. I'll be fine. I know where my room is."

        "Alright." The man finally agreed thickly, pursing his lips. "Just don't go lookin' for me when you get lost." He turned away from her, returning to his previous spot at the large mahogany table among the other professors. 

        "Trust me, I won't." Dalisay muttered, and kept on walking.

        Yes, she'd head back to her room, but only after she found Kurt. 

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