T h i r t e e n

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Dalisay let out a sigh of relief, and made her way back to her room, her fists clenched and jaw set. Her eyes were glued to the floor as she tried to piece together her thoughts. Her first day...her first fucking day there and she'd already brainwashed the first person who she could've been friends with. Dalisay couldn't keep her body from shaking as she opened the door to her room, more upset than she had been in a long, long time.

Why was she so freaked out about someone she had just met?

She liked Kurt, as much as you can like someone you've known for a few hours, but that wasn't why. Maybe...just maybe it was because she hadn't used her powers since she'd killed in Berlin, well over three months ago. Dalisay's powers consisted of something along the lines of telepathy, save for the reading people's minds thing. It was more of a 'manipulate the physical using her mind', type deal. Telekinesis, her father had called it, but she found she could never remember the word when she was forced to explain it. Ah, the irony.

She rarely used it, however, which almost always shocked those she had told, which included the leader of the 36 Boys and a single ex-boyfriend, whom at the tender age of sixteen she'd convinced herself she loved. Dalisay had scared them both, but the 36 Boys leader, who went by Narbe, knew that if he feared her, then the rest of Berlin would, too, ensuring the gang's dominance in the city. She knew Narbe was playing her, but her boyfriend...Dalisay didn't know about that. Yes, she had been sixteen, had never had a boyfriend, and the only affection she'd known was from her heroin-addicted father...but she'd thought it was real, or as real as anything could be in her life. Sadly, she'd been mistaken.

Now, in the light of helping someone with a power that had ruined so much for her...she couldn't bear to see what would happen next. So, in the light of those few seconds, she healed his wounds, and made him forget. Stupid, stupid Dalisay. Looked like she was still that ignorant sixteen year-old, no matter how badly she tried to convince herself of otherwise.

Her boyfriend Briant, had been shocked at first, and then seemingly delighted with Dalisay's powers. He'd been the first person Dalisay ever considered and then did trust after her mom disappeared. They'd met at a local cafe where she worked, since Dalisay was "homeschooled" and at the time her father in a permanently delirious state, and he was the epitome of a gentleman. He was eighteen at the time, with long stringy brown hair he kept back in a pony tail, and hazel eyes that melted sixteen year-old Dalisay's naive heart.

He'd greeted her politely that day, something Dalisay probably wouldn't ever be able to forget, and had asked if she'd wanted to go walk around the city with him. At first, Dalisay had promptly refused, being sensible and safe, cowering behind her metaphorical turtle shell. However, when she saw him exit the cafe something inside her yanked at her heart, and she felt herself jump out from behind the counter and chase after him.

It was funny what trouble your heart could lead you to.

Dalisay crawled underneath the cool covers of her twin bed, and squeezed her eyes tightly shut.

Thinking of Briant made her wonder about what her life could've been, normalcy wise.

If he hadn't turned on her, would they still be together? Married, maybe kids? Happy?

If they had attempted that life, Dalisay figured she would've found an escape route one way or another, as her mother did when faced with family over...herself, was Dalisay's only guess. Like mother like daughter, she couldn't help but think, but she despised her mother in every possible aspect. Could someone change the very thing inside them that told of where they came from?

Dalisay didn't know. And the fact that she was so unsure scared her to death.

Her thoughts would plague her all night if she didn't shut her eyes now, so she listened to her wise inner voice, deciding she deserved some rest, what with the insane day she'd just had.

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