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        Kitty quickly got to work explaining to Dalisay her own story of arrival at Xavier's School, but failed to mention the boy she'd been calling after when Dalisay had first encountered her. Dalisay was unsure whether to pry or not, since spending years around a gruff all-male mob had done nothing to help her social skills whatsoever. Instead, Dalisay asked her about the school, what she'd been taught, and what type of "help" they'd given, from what the Professor had mentioned earlier. 

        "Well, so far? I've only been on a few, you know, crisis missions and things, where everybody was needed. I mean, I've only been here for a year and a half. Some of the kids have been here almost since the school was started."

        "Like who?" Dalisay asked, her tone full of speculation. Professor Xavier was not a young man, so she assumed he'd begun this school twenty plus years ago.

        "Like Scott Summers and Jean..." Kitty's voice trailed off, like she'd said more than she was supposed to. 

        "Jean who?" 

        "Jean...Scott's girlfriend. She uh...she died in a mission a few months ago." She replied sadly, brushing a stringy lock of brown hair out of her eyes. 

        "Oh." Dalisay murmured, the reality of what she was agreeing to do dawning on her. It was possible she'd die for these people, for this cause. Was it worth it? But then again, what other choice did she have? "I'm sorry to hear that." She said after a while, her thoughts overtaking her.

        Kitty nodded before scooping the last bit of yogurt into her mouth. "Hey, why don't I show you around and introduce you to some people?"

        "That would be great." Dalisay answered with a slight chuckle. "How many students are there here?"

        "Um, I'm not really sure. Only like a hundred something, I think." Kitty stood from her seat on the stool, bouncing on the heels of her sneakers. "But you have to meet everyone, Dalisay. You'll love them. Maybe not John, but he's kind of a hot-head anyway." 

        Dalisay raised her eyebrows in slight confusion, but Kitty didn't get her misunderstanding, so she continued to babble on about her friends, John, Bobby, Peter, and Illyana. Apparently Peter and Illyana were brother and sister, and Bobby was a boy that Kitty happened to spend a lot of time with, from all that she'd told Dalisay. Apparently this Bobby Drake was known as "Ice-Man" around campus, and was currently in a relationship with Rogue, who Dalisay admitted to meeting earlier.

        "Storm introduced us." Dalisay explained.
         "I adore Storm. She's like the mom I never really had." Kitty gushed, smiling to herself.

        "She seems like a mother figure to everyone, especially Rogue."
         "Rogue's...sweet?" Kitty offered with a shrug. "But kinda possessive. I mean, Bobby and I are just friends..." She trailed off, letting out a tired sigh. "She always thinks there's something going on between us. I think it's something to do with her powers. She can't touch anybody without absorbing their abilities, so you can imagine how their relationship is." Kitty explained with a chuckle. "Wow, am I mean." 

        "That would explain why she wears the gloves." Dalisay thought aloud, tucking her thick ebony hair behind her ear as they walked out of the kitchen into the adjoining hallway. "Mutant powers will never cease to amaze me."

        "Now that you mention it..." Kitty began with a sly smile, raising an eyebrow dramatically. "What's yours?"

        "My...?" Dalisay prompted, trying to hold off this conversation as long as possible.

        "Your power, silly." She answered with a light laugh. "I mean, you already know what mine is."

        "It's uh..." Dalisay paused, looking across the hall at a group of students. Male students, to be exact. Kitty paused as well, taking in a deep breath. 

        "There's Bobby." She murmured, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

         There stood a group of four guys, one of medium build, with short, cropped dirty blonde hair and muscular arms, the other slightly taller, with longer light brown hair in a denim jacket, another towering over the group, with rippling muscles and a short military cut to his dark hair, and the last shorter than the others, with indigo skin covered in markings and tattoos, dressed in a long, almost trench coat, despite the warmth outside. His hair was dark, slightly oily, and his back was to them, revealing...a long, pointed tail. Dalisay wanted to laugh at the sight of him, but stopped herself. The poor guy'd probably gotten enough strange looks and humiliation to last a lifetime, and Dalisay did not need to add to it. His life was probably hard enough as it was.

        "Let me introduce you!" Kitty exclaimed with a start, pulling her over to them. "Hey guys!" She called to the group, waving in their direction. 

        "Who's your friend?" The one with long light brown hair asked, smirking in Dalisay's direction, causing her lips to settle into a tight frown. She had gotten too used to guys like him, and was definitely tired of his type.

        "I'm Dalisay." She replied tightly, puckering her lips as if she'd tasted something sour.

        "Dalisay, this is Bobby," Kitty motioned to the one with cropped hair, "John," nodding towards the one with longer hair, "Peter," the tall muscular one, "and Kurt."

The blue one. 

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