S e v e n

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                Dalisay remained quiet momentarily, her lips pursed with a forced demeanor. She didn't want to like this blue man, but she did, and she couldn't stop herself. And she was curious about him, as well. His past, his interests...him. She wanted to know, and this desire was scary, because fatalities were imminent where curiosity was involved, something Dalisay knew from experience. 

        "Where are you from, Kurt?" Dalisay inquired, giving in to her need for answers. And how did you get like this? She wanted to ask, but held herself back. That was a little too straightforward. Dalisay had only just met the guy. "Your accent-"

        "Germany was my home." He answered gently, looking away from her. Was? "Then ze circus."

        "The...circus?" She repeated softly in shock, and uncertain disbelief. "How did you..." Her words got caught in her throat, lodged between emotion and sick realization, so she stopped mid sentence. A circus. Constant taunting and jabs and humiliation daily for the entertainment of obese parents with candy floss covered children. The poor guy probably thought she was another nosy little punk, with dark hair and almond eyes. Ha, Dalisay would've say to that. How wrong and right you are, sir. 

        "How did I continue on?" Kurt finished, letting out a soft, huffy breath. "I realized that my soul was lacking, so I decided that I'd keep going to find vhat vould fulfill it." He looked up at Dalisay with smiling dandelion eyes, and shrugged. "I found God, and He's helping me everyday to discover beauty and light in even ze smallest of things."

       Dalisay remained quiet.  At the age of nineteen, she'd seen so much of the world, the decrepit, the poverty, the greed, and the hidden vanity and selfishness in humanity, she felt like she couldn't see anything beyond the terrible she'd dealt with. She knew all she could. How was it possible to see beauty when darkness was what hid behind every corner?
        "Vould you like to see ze gardens?" The man before her asked suddenly, a broad grin lighting up his indigo cheeks. "I understand Fräulein Munroe is expecting you...but I think she vill understand."

        "Uh..." She couldn't immediately think of a reason to refuse, so she might as well. "Sure. That'd be great." Dalisay felt the tug of her lips turn upwards into a returned smile. 

        Unexpectedly, Kurt reached for her hand, and for some reason, Dalisay let him take it. "Ve don't have to valk zere, you see." He murmured. "I can teleport."

         Calmly, he enveloped her in a slightly awkward hug, and in an instant, broad sunlight pelted Dalisay's skin. They were...outside, no longer in the corridor of the school, now among bushes of magenta petunias and soft rosy petals. Dalisay let out a shaky breath, trying to understand what had just happened. 

        "We're in the garden." She observed, dumbfounded and exhilarated at the same time. "We are in the garden."

        "Yes, ve are." Kurt agreed, chuckling softly, however his eyes seemed to hold fear in the warm sunlight. "Are you alright?"

        "Yes...I'm just..." Dalisay shook her head, letting out a soft stream of air. "That was incredible."

        Kurt grinned from ear-to-ear, and replied, "I'm glad you zink so." He licked his lips before continuing. "I was just a bit scared you'd be...frightened of me."

        "Frightened?" Dalisay repeated lightly, almost giggling. If she had been the type of girl to giggle, of course, which she wasn't. "You seem like a gentle soul, Kurt. How could I be scared of you?" 

        "People can be frightened of anyzing...and I was not sure..."

        "Don't worry about me, Kurt." She answered simply, her words growing short. Dalisay had seen far worse.

        Dalisay and Kurt got to talking; about anything and everything. She told him about her father, the cooky, ecentric side of him that came up with brilliant ideas and gadgets that would entertain Dalisay for hours. She failed to mention why they were on the run, or why her father was so strange, on account of his addiction to smack.  Ever since Regan had abandoned them, Dalisay being only four, her father had relied on heroin to sustain him. Dalisay had known there was something wrong with her father from an early age, but had never truly known the depth of his addiction until she'd discovered him and the dealers one night; outside of their apartment in Paris. Then and there, she'd decided, she was going to get away. She wondered what her father was doing now, and if he was still alive. Maybe Dalisay was better off without him; completely. He reminded her of all the barriers that had been put in place, walls she hadn't wanted up but were put there against her will. She'd had so many dreams...so many aspirations of the person she wanted to become. Sadly, the world had another road for Dalisay to embark down, one that broke her in the end, forcing her to put herself back together, mangled and shattered pieces holding up a body, but not completely whole.

        Kurt told her of the circus, and of the family he had discovered in it. Among him were people with different abilities, not necessarily mutants, but people who were abnormal to the norm of humanity. They understood what it meant to be ostracized and ridiculed, and not being able to change. And that had made Kurt feel safe, he explained to Dalisay calmly. Kurt was so calm, so humble and so...kind. She didn't understand why he was taking such and interest in her; a grimy girl with almond eyes, olive skin, and not-so-clean clothes. She wasn't pretty, and she wasn't sweet. Dalisay was blunt, and sometimes rude, and very nosy. She didn't get it. Why would someone like him even ask about her, nonetheless carry a conversation with her?

        Before they knew it, the sun had begun to cast a hazy orange glow on the gardens, and Dalisay let out a soft gasp. They'd been out here for hours, not even noticing. Miss Munroe must've been worried, but the Professor surely knew where they were. 


        It still irked Dalisay that the Professor had been in her head, or at least, that's what it felt like to her. He knew things...things people were not supposed to know about her; her mother, the 36 Boys, Berlin. No. No. No. She wanted a new start, but everywhere she turned it felt like her past was closing in, chasing her, its hot breath of memories heavy on the back of her neck. 

        "It's getting late..." Dalisay said, chewing on her lower lip. She glanced back at the school to see none other than Miss Munroe looking back at her, a knowing smile on her caramel cheeks. Shit. Dalisay's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, and she quickly got up from the stone bench she and Kurt had been perched on. "I..."

        "Vill see you at dinner." Kurt finished for her, giving her a nod. He brushed the bottom of his patched trousers, and stood. "Zank you for ze company, Fräulein."

        "You're..." She couldn't even reply, her words stuck in her throat. Why? Dalisay didn't have a clue. Instead, she sped back to the mansion, elated but slightly confused. What had she just done? Why did she feel so...close to this blue man she had met today? 

        "I'm really sorry-" Dalisay started, but Ororo held up her hand. 

        "Don't worry about it, dear. But I insist on showing you to your room." Ms. Munroe replied with a chuckle. "Tomorrow we can go into town and get you some things."

        "What time is dinner?" Dalisay inquired, nodding. Casually, she sniffed underneath her arm, and grimaced. She smelled like the dumpster of a Thai restaurant. "I really ought to shower."

        "Yes, that's a...wonderful idea. Dinner is at six, promptly. Try not to be late, none of us are very patient when it comes to meals."

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