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        "Nice to meet you." Bobby said with a tight-lipped smile. He had stark blue eyes that crinkled at the corners as his lips turned slightly upwards. Dressed in slightly wrinkled blue jeans, a black fleece and sneakers, Bobby Drake appeared to be the average all-American boy, until you unmasked the mutant beneath. Well, Dalisay couldn't quite put it that way, because being a mutant was a 24/7 job. It wasn't something you could just give up or put away, despite how hard Dalisay had attempted to.

        Dalisay nodded in reply, unsure what to say. Her thoughts had consumed her once again, leaving an uncomfortable silence hanging over the group as Dalisay debated answering or not. How would one answer, anyway? Damn social etiquette. Maybe she could take a class or something, so meeting new people wasn't so awkward.

        "So you're the new girl everyone's been talking about?" John continued, slicking back his hair already greasy-looking hair. The guy seemed to have a permanent smirk, something extremely off-putting to Dalisay. 

        "I guess so. I didn't know I was that big of a deal here." Dalisay replied tersely. John's lips twisted into his seemingly infamous smirk, and took out his lighter, beginning to flick the top open and closed with his thumb. The hinge of the lighter squealed slightly as it was forcibly worked, the top clicking as it locked back into place repeatedly. The side of the lighter had an illustration of a fire, drawn crudely, but still recognizable. It probably meant something to him, Dalisay reasoned. 

        "Well, it's not like we get new students that often." Kitty added. Dalisay couldn't help but notice how close she stood to Bobby, and held back a knowing smile. Her shoulders appeared to graze Bobby's for a sliver of a second, and Kitty refrained from moving from his side. There was definitely something up with them, so Dalisay certainly understood Rogue's jealousy. Hell, she'd probably be the same way if she couldn't touch her boyfriend. 

        "We're glad to have you, Dalisay." Peter, the muscular giant indicated gently, his voice heavy with an eastern European accent. Despite his size, he appeared the most gentle of the group, as if he couldn't hurt a fly. "Have you gotten your schedule yet?" He asked her, his eyes on her; full of curiousity and something...something Dalisay couldn't quite place. It wasn't eery, but his eyes seemed to have a coldness that his demeanor didn't posses. Like there was another side to this kind, friendly giant.

        "Schedule?" Dalisay repeated, shaking her head slightly. The Professor hadn't said anything about a schedule. But then again, she did abandon Ms. Munroe, who probably would've given it to her after lunch. "I kinda left my tour guide, and I'm guessing she would've given it to me."

        "Ororo?" Kurt, the guy with the indigo skin, asked knowingly, his voice hinting at a German background. "She vill come and find you sooner or later, she always does." Kurt seemed older...wiser than the others in the group, as if he had seen much more in his life than any of the others combined. 

        "So, Dalisay..." Bobby began, making Dalisay brace for the questions to come. This was the part she hated about meeting new people. The questions, endless and unnerving, forcing the lies to erupt from her lips like an avalanche down a mountain with no end. "Where you from?"

        "I was born in Korea, but I've lived all over," Dalisay explained quickly, deciding to keep her story as close to the truth as possible, "In mostly Europe and Asia."

        "What parts of Europe?" Kurt questioned Dalisay politely, running his three, slightly knobby fingers through his spiked, ebony hair. Dalisay couldn't help but notice his extremely long nails, that had been filed meticulously into sharp points. How did he get this way?

        "Germany, Italy, France, and Austria for a little while." Her father had been on the run from her mother, Regan, for more than a decade, and had decidedly brought Dalisay along for the tumultuous ride, despite her refusal. When she was sixteen, she'd decided to run from the man who'd put her on the run in the first place, although now, looking back, she really couldn't blame him. He'd only been trying to protect her from the real monster...her mother. 

        "Why'd you move around so much?" Kitty asked her. It was an innocent question, but the wrong answer could prompt more deadly questioning, something Dalisay was not looking forward to. She decided to keep it short and simple, but not to little to not satisfy her new acquaintances' curiosity. 

        "My father's job. He was a scientist, and he needed new companies to constantly fund his research on genetics." Dalisay quipped, licking her immensely dry, cracked lips. "It's pretty ironic, now that I think about it. My father being a genetic scientist, and he still didn't know I was a mutant." She thought aloud, a terse smiled tugging at her lips. "I mean..."

      Kitty nodded her head up and down, as if she's not really listening to Dalisay, and glanced at the clock behind them. "Guys, class starts in like five minutes." She pursed her lips forward, and gave Dalisay a sheepish look. "Dalisay...do you want to come with us? I mean, I know you haven't gotten your schedule and everything but..."

        "No, that's ok, Kitty. I'm just gonna go find Ms. Munroe." Dalisay replied quickly, a little too quickly, in fact. She hadn't thought of how she was going to find this woman. Kitty smiled at her and waved goodbye, making her way down the hall with the boys in tow, all except for Kurt, who remained behind.

        "I'll come with you." Kurt offered, giving her a slight grin. His teeth were pointed as well, and were sort of an off-white color, a strange contrast compared to his indigo skin. 

        "Uh...I think I'll be alright." She tried to answer, but Kurt merely shook his head.

        "I was not asking, Miss Faust." The blue man practically chuckled, shaking his head. 

        "But don't you have class?" Dalisay questioned, slightly confused. 

        "Not exactly. I'm technically not a student, I suppose." Kurt answered thoughtfully, beginning to make his way in the direction opposite Kitty and her gang. This indigo man was dressed simply, in wide, subtly-patterned pants, and black t-shirt reading, The Who 1986, in bold white letters. "I was invited, here, yes, but I declined ze Professor's suggestion of taking classes." 

        "So...what do you do all day, then, if not take classes?" Her words had taken on a more curious tone, one Dalisay impulsively supplied. She couldn't help but be interested in this enigma of a man, therefore, questions, numerous questions, would be asked until her savage curiosity was satisfied. 

        "I study. I read. I try and come to a deeper level of understanding of myself, and of others, everyday." 

        "You're a mutant philosopher." Dalisay dead-panned, pausing her strides. A lopsided smile appeared on the man's face beside her, and he nodded, ever so slightly. 

        "Yes, I believe I am."       

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