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        "That, my dear, is a very good question, and it is one I will gladly answer." Professor Xavier answered, his lips curling into a smile. He paused for a moment, taking another sip of his tea, his eyes crinkling at the sides with bemusement, even though Dalisay didn't know why. "I am a telepath, meaning that I have the ability to read other's thoughts, and at times, influence them."

        Dalisay's mouth opened, but no words escaped her lips. She took in a shaky breath of air before asking, "Does that mean you know what I'm thinking right now?"

        "Yes, and no. I have the ability to know, but I don't wish to invade your privacy." He answered calmly, giving her a look of sincerity. Dalisay drew in another sharp breath, pursing her lips. How could she trust him? And why would she?

        "That still doesn't answer my question, Professor. How did you know about me?" Dalisay repeated, her demeanor growing much colder, and much more distant. What if Professor Xavier had lured her to come here using his telepathy? What if everyone here was under some kind of telepathic hypnosis induced by this man? 

        "I have a machine that connects with my telepathic ability and amplifies it, allowing me to see all mutants, everywhere and anywhere on this Earth, whether they know of their abilities or not." The Professor replied calmly, not a hint of hostility in his voice. "It is called Cerebro, and with it, I saw you, Dalisay, in Germany." 

        Dalisay licked her chapped, rough lips, unsure how to reply. That would mean that he had seen...what they had made her do, and who she had become in the darkened alleys of Berlin, using her mutant abilities and sultry appearance for the usage of the 36 Boys leader, a fearsome gang in the city. She'd been recruited after she dropped out of the Berlin University of the Arts, and had stuck with them ever since, glad for the comradery, and the family that she'd never been able to have. With her mother, Regan Wyngarde, an undercover agent for North Korea, who was as cold and commanding as her employers, and her mentally-unstable father, Kun-woo Faust, Dalisay relied on and trusted herself alone, because the world had not gifted her with stability, nor love or affection. But with the 36 Boys, despite being sought after and groped at by countless men, she was apart of them, the one girl among thirty-six vicious men, and the thought of that, made her feel at home, although there was really nothing about their abandoned factory building that was comforting. It was damp, dismal, and very dark, resulting in sweaty mattresses, spreading sickness, and moans from nameless women who'd been picked up from the night's excursion. It wasn't ideal, but it was something, and Dalisay had been grateful for that at the time. However, looking back on the choices she'd made and the life she had chosen to live, Dalisay wasn't proud or grateful anymore. All they'd done to her, all they'd taken...but Dalisay couldn't help but admit that the 36 Boys had given her much, despite their gruesome ways. 

        They had given her the knowledge that, despite her family and previous actions, there was always something you could do to change your situation and standing, because, despite the hurdles life placed in front of you, you always had the option to jump and run, or be trampled in the masses. 

        "So you know." Dalisay said shortly after a moment of silence. "There's nothing to tell."

        "Not if you don't wish to." Professor Xavier answered smoothly, his lips curling into a small, knowing smile. "But Ms. Munroe and I do have much to tell you, Dalisay, about this place, and whether you might consider staying with us."

        Dalisay let out a huffy breath in reply. She had no other place to stay, besides the streets. "Might as well. I mean, I really have nowhere else to go."

        "At least let us explain what you're getting into before you make a decision." He said with a chuckle. 

        "Dalisay, this school is to nuture and provide for those with special abilities, those that some in society condemn for the skill that they posses." Ororo began, looking at Dalisay with eyes full of understanding and care, which startled her. It made Dalisay uncomfortable to think about caring, because it was an illusion, a dream of love that humans wished to posses, so they put thoughts in their heads making others think as well, that there was something between them and others that made them closer, more important to one another. It was all a lie. "No matter where you originate, you will always have a place at our school."

        "However, we not only teach and care for, we give those who stay here an opportunity to do good with the abilities they have, and help those who are not so fortunate as us." Professor Xavier added, clearing his throat. Dalisay pursed her lips, unsure how cooperative she'd be if she had to help. "We believe, whether humans have a positive attitude towards mutants or not, we will still help, and we still do all that we can for them, because if not, then we, mutants as a whole, are not better than those who oppress against us. It is our moral principle here, one that we hope all under this roof with abide by."

        Ororo gave Dalisay a warm smile before opening her mouth to speak. "Before you give your absolute decision, would you like get something to eat and freshen up?"

        That was all she wanted to do.

        "Yes." Dalisay replied eagerly, wanting to strip off the sweaty clothes on her back and take a shower, and then sit down and fill the seemingly everlasting hunger that gnawed at her stomach. "Please."

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