Wassup Beeeeeotches

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I walked through my now occupied living room into my bedroom where Dax resided. He was scurrying around almost like he sensed the guest in the living room.

More like intruder.

I just shook my head and opened the lid of his terrarium; I lifted Dax up held him against my chest scratching his furry back. Dax was a tarantula that got injected with weird serum shit at the lab I apprentice at, but nothing happened and I asked if I could watch after him because the chemists were going to trash their "failed experiment." What they never found out is that Dax is way more intelligent than the average spider and sometimes I feel he understands when I speak to him.

I know that explanation seemed important but it was a bit dragged out can we do something more interesting now?

I rolled my eyes and walked back into the living room...but Deadpool was gone?

Wait, do you smell that?

I sniffed the air..."OMG ARE THOSE PANCAKES?!"

I ran into the small apartment kitchen, Dax in hand, to see Deadpool flipping pancakes with my mom's old red and flowery apron on. I covered my giggle and walked closer to the delicious looking flapjacks.

"Not that I'm complaining but why are you making pancakes?"

Yeah didn't we just eat mexican?

Deadpool turned his head and smiled,"Well because its morning silly I can't be a rude guest, now can I?"

My eyes widened to saucers as I stared at the clock, IT WAS ALMOST 5 O CLOCK.


I knew this would end badly, i told you-

"Yeah i know, you told me so, can you just stop complaining!"

Deadpool turned back to his pancakes and flipped a couple more on my electric skillet, "Well eat some food and go get started on your work I'll make coffee."

Me and my inner voice both looked up dumbfounded. Did he just say something sane like sane sane?

Well I never thought I would say this, ever, like ever ever eve-

"Yeah I got it just say it."

Rude. I was just going to say that sounds like a good idea.

I nodded my head vigorously grabbed a handful of finished pancakes and ran back into my room to finish my analysis of the lab I did yesterday in class and hypothesis for today's.

"Dang Deadpool these pancakes are amazing," I'd already finished the 3 that I grabbed. Then I had an 'oh crap' moment.

Where's Dax? Weren't you holding him with that hand?

"EEEEEEEEEEEEE," I jumped up and ran to the screech in the kitchen. Deadpool was on top of the counter, a deadly spatula in his hand, flailing it at Dax who was eating his fill of pancakes on the table. I couldn't help it I doubled over laughing at the ridiculous situation.

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