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Deadpool walked up to the Mexican restaurant, still holding me I must add.

"Um, you gonna set me down now?"

He seemed to have forgotten he was holding me then looked at me and smiled.

"Nah I think I like this better."

I struggled against his grip trying to escape, but he just held me tighter. Struggling wasn't gonna work. He walked inside the place still holding me. The guy at the register smiled at him, "Stand para dos señor?"

What did he say?

"I dunno," I mumbled to myself.

" Sí, ella es hermosa no está ella ?" Deadpool replied to the Mexican.

"Sì," he replied smiling.

Ella? Who the crap is Ella?

"I don't think it's a name."

Deadpool still carrying me, we were seated and he finally stopped me into my seat.

"Why did you carry me all the way in here?"

"Because you're ppprrrrrreeeeettttttyyyyyyy."


"Okay," I said giggling over his stupidity.

He pumped his fist and said to himself, "I told you it would work."

I shook my head, smiling. He got up as I looked up.

"I've gotta piss be right back honey buns."

I blinked at him sternly. He walked away doing a little hip sway just like a girl.

Why do the crazy ones always have the best asses?

I looked down at my own fine exterior, "Good question."

Oh we should go ask that guy what deadpool said.

"You finally said something smart."

I got up and walked over to our Mexican server.

"Excuse me, sir, could you tell me what the man carrying me said to you a moment ago?"

"Señor deadpool?"


Careful it's dangerous to use your whole vocabulary in one sentence.

I held back a scowl.

"He spoke of how beautiful you were. Hermosa is beautiful."

My eyes widened a little,"Thank you."

I walked back to the booth and sat down. I was smiling and couldn't stop. He thought I was beautiful. I did a little dance in my seat.

"What are you dancing for?"

I looked up and deadpool was standing in front of me.

"Oh I'm just feeling happy."

His head tilted to the side a bit, confused.

"Dang I wish I could have done it."

"Who said you didn't," I said possibly a bit flirtatiously.

It was.

I ignored it.

He smiled and sat down.

"So what do you want?"

"Oh, I'll just get a taco salad, and no cheese."

"Why no cheese? Cheese is great."

"Lactose intolerant."

"Uh... Lacto what?"

"Can't eat dairy."

"Oh my asgardian that's horrible."

"I know."

We ordered, him getting chimichangas and we ate and he paid. I snuck a peek in his wallet and it was full of hundreds. What the hell?

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