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sorry its been so long guys i broke my tablet the one i was using to write stories on heh well i got a new laptop so here they are

We got up and we went outside, and i realized how dark it still was out. I could barely see except for the occasional street light, but i was still freaked out. I am not a big fan of the dark, and it must have shown on my face because Deadpool looked at me questioningly under his mask.

"Hey, Cella, are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost."

Cella, before you start relying on your prince in shining armor we need to have a chat about the man beneath the mask. Now.

"Actually, can I have a moment Deadpool? I need to call someone real quick." I quickly walked to  the side of the building out of ear shot, and looked at my turned off phone.My reason to go talk to my subconcious for a moment. I put it up to my ear. I made sure my voice stayed hushed just in case he was listening.

"You still don't think we can trust him?"

Of course not. all he wants from us is your body. He's just like all the other guys that dumped you for sluts in the past.

"But he said he wanted us here because he wanted to make sure he stayed safe. You know, keep his location a secret."

You really believe that? He can protect himself you heard him, he has super strength and regeneratize powers.

"But what if he just wants to settle down for once. He's probably just scared, and if he wants me then maybe i don't mind!" I raised my voice a little to far on the last words as Deadool looked up from his murmuring looking confused. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and walked back over to him.

"Sorry, I didn't meann to raise my voice, some people just really get on my nerves sometimes." I said through my teeth.

"Oh it's okay I one hunderd percent get that," and I had a feeling we were both talking about the same thing. Heh.

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