Story titles are lame

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My name is Cella Danielle Dinomon, I have dark auburn hair, am skinny, I have loads of freckles, and emerald green eyes. I am slightly messed up in the head so the italics will be the voice in my head that I talk to.

I was on my home from the college I was going to in New York, cause I lived close by I didn't live on campus. I hate driving so I ride my bike back and forth, don't let me deceive you though I am horribly out of shape. It was pretty dark probably about nine. It was really quite and I was reveling in it cause its so unusual. I breathed in the city smells of side street hot dogs and buses, so different from Alabama, my home town. Then I heard an explosion, I stopped immediately almost crashing. My curiosity pulled me towards the noise. Curiosity killed the cat.
"I'm not a cat," I mumbled to myself.
Yeah, but it was an explosion, how could that be safe?
"It isn't, that's the point."

I walked closer pushing my bike along until I got to a warehouse. I propped my bike outside the giant entrance and walked in. It was dark so I got out my phone and turned on the flashlight. There was a couch and a nice looking TV by one wall, it had a kitchen and, upon further investigation a bathroom. It was like a house, but in a warehouse. Weird. It looked extremely lived in too, meaning it was filthy. There were pizza boxes and what looked like taco wrappers littering the floor. I went over to the couch and TV. I put my hand on the TV, it was warm which meant recently used.

Then I heard the explosion again. It was coming from underneath me. I found a door with stairs leading down. I went in and the closer I got I noticed a voice. It was masculine, and it sounded like he was laughing.

"Again! Again!" Then another explosion sounded off.

"What the?" I blurted out to my self as I walked closer.

Thankfully he didn't notice as I walked closer. He wore a red black spandex suit with katana's strapped to his back, he wore a couple of guns too. One on his right thigh and two in the holsters in his belt. He was taping C4 to the floor and, if I'm assuming correctly, just blowing it up for no reason. The floor looked like it was made of something real sturdy, cause there weren't craters anywhere.

I walked a bit closer and heard him say,"What do you mean there's someone coming it's just us."

I looked around for this us he was talking about. Then noticed he had turned around and spotted me. I quickly turned back behind the wall and started running back up. I think he was running after me, but I couldn't tell. I had to find a hiding spit though cause I can't run for very long, hence the out of shapeness.
You see what you did, now that buff guy with the swords and funs is gonna kill us.
"He might not, he might be a nice buff guy with killy things."

I his beneath the low couch he had against one wall, just barely fitting.
We are so screwed. You completely screwed us over.

I couldn't respond right now cause I was hiding, but it was right.

"Come out, come out where ever you are," he called out.

He did chase me, wonderful.

"What do you mean that sounded creepy?" He spoke to himself.

Ha so he's as crazy as I am, bonus, I thought sarcastically. I heard his footsteps come closer to the couch as was looking around.
Crap crap crap crap.

He bent over and looked at me. He lifted up the couch.

"Come out from under there, I won't kill you, pinky swear."

He held out his hand and I took it to stand up.

"So what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Well, I heard explosions so I came to check it out."

Then he looked at the giant opening I walked through to get in the warehouse and sighed.

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