Chapter 2

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Its been almost a month since i left. Monsters have been attacking me non stop. Im ready to give up, i barely have any supplies left and I'm tired of fighting.

Flashbacks of what happened at camp play in my mind as if they were on rewind 24/7. The only person who knows were i am is Nico and thats only because he IMed me. Needless to say he was ready to murder Annabeth and everyone else.

I could feel my self falling to sleep so I climbed the nearest tree so I'm not in plain sight that much. Ever sense i ran from camp I've had the same dream.

It was Kronos, he kept telling me to join him I'd always say no though. Then I'd see images of camp burning and people fighting monsters.

In the midst of my dream, I was woken up by a twig snapping underneath me. I was shocked. The person on the ground was none other than the male hating goddess herself, Artemis.

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