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This time by: _AnakinSkywalker_

Oh the fricking feels!!!! =D
Fangirl overload!!!!

Anyways... moving along....


1.) Pizza or Chicken?
I would have to say I prefer both. I'd eat both.

2.) Pop or juice?
I like cola pop.
I like berry juice, any juice is good but the juice I drink is called berry juice.

3.) Fangirl obsessions?
I have a whole list.

4.) Boyfriends?
I don't have a boyfriend right know. I'm to young.

5.) Fanfictions?
I like; River and The tenth or eleventh Doctor, Star wars ( as you all know) ( Padme xx Anakin or Leia xx Han Solo) and Youtubers ( Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and Daz_Black).

6.) If I had a million dollars what would I spend it on?
I would; go visit my best friends, take my family on a vacation and buy my brother and I better car.

7.) If you could be a actress for the day who would change to be?
Um.... I'd probably try to be in Star wars and Doctor who. I'd also meet all my favorite actors and actresses. Since I'd have the money.

8.) What do you like to read?
If I have to many books then I don't like to read because it becomes to overwhelming, if you know what I mean. I like to read: Fanfictions, Fiction and Historical fictions.

9.) Why is life so strange?
I've been thinking about this question for awhile, since that game called Life is Strange. Has been through my head all day. Today has been a very queer day.

10.) Fangirl food?
Well, I don't eat a whole lot of fangirl food. Fish sticks and custard? NO WAY!!! Sorry, I'm not into that food.

11.) What's your greatest fangirl obsession right know?
My greatest obsession right know is Alex Kingston and Matt Smith. Does that answer your questions?

12.) What was your first fangirl obsession?
My first obsession was with the original Star Trek with Captain Kirk. He was so cute. William Shatner's birthday was the greatest thing I found was in the month of March. Yes, he's old and yes I'm younger then him. Yes I'm being weird liking a guy older then me. But look at the bright side if he dies I'm gonna have a party and rejoice. Evil, I know right! Lol, you don't know half of my story of evilness not that I'm evil, I'm not evil just being a hormonal teenager.

Sorry for the long past fangirl.... or maybe it's still there. Lol! No I don't wish him dead because he's still a great actor.

13.) Who do you have a crush on for being a fangirl?
My greatest fangirl crush is David Tenant, Tom Hiddleston, Matt Smith and James Spader ( the voice of Ultron). The funniest thing is James Spader voice reminds me of my math teacher. Lol!!!!! My math teacher isn't as cute though.

Now for your Q & A.....

1.) Jump on one leg and sing along with your favorite song.
2.) Make a small video and post it on here for me! =)
3.) Pop or Juice?
4.) Pizza or Jimmy Dodgers?
5.) Boyfriend/ Fangirl crush?
6.) Favorite Pop music?
7.) Favorite story? ( it can be Wattpad)
8.) Sing your favorite song and pop it with your mouth.
9.) Your favorite foods?
10.) Best friends on here? ( If so give them a big shout out)
11.) Make yourself happy today
12.) Kiss your posters. ( That's if you have one) ( I kissed Alex Kingston's [ Hands]poster, Ew Ikr, and Matt Smith.)
13.) Dance crazy

Now for my 13 people.... my family is boring... I'm probably boring.
Black cherry pop setting in... WHOO!

__RiverSong__ - 1.)
RacRazlin0002 - 2.)
JackyBooAndFriends - 3.)
directioner_chic - 4.)
amypondx - 5.)
6.) melody_pond_
Skygirl364 - 7.)
TheWeirdoBlonde - 8.)
9.) wholockedpsycho7
10.) wholigains
11.) Darth-Sidious
12.) -LeiaSolo-
13.) SkullsNBones

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