I was tagged!

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Why? Cause I'm loved.... =D

Read and you'll be next.....

Thanks, RaeGirl4Life for tagging me in the Dear God thing.

I am doing very well in this world, Wattpaders. No, I didn't die. Tho I wish I had. Lol. Not really cause where's the fun in that!? =/

I wanted to pay a tribute to RaeGirl4Life.

So for her kindness I am going to say this.... it's a nice story for all of you but dedicated to her.
So here we go.....

(Prefect Illusion)
Part one - Overdose on one boy-

One morning a young girl named River Song Island was combing through her rats nest of blondish brown hair to get ready for her retail work with her second family. As she stood in the mirror getting ready she decided to put the finishing touches to her beautiful wavy hair by putting a white bow in her hair. Getting ready for work was a pain she had to bring her lunch bag, just like getting ready for school; only with grown ups. After she got ready for work she headed to her car and drove to work. In the car, she listened to her favorite songs like Lady gaga and some other famous pop singers that she liked. Pulling into her favorite place to work she put on her vest and shut the ignition switch off. Waiting was a cute guy that was very friendly to her every morning. Oh and she couldn't forget the wonderful supervisor, Veda. Veda was her favorite person in the whole world to work with. Veda understood where River was in her stressful life. Tonight River was promised to be taken out to dinner.

That night before closing, River's guy friend asked her out to dinner. Even though River thought they shouldn't be rushing into things she decided to say, "  yes, I'll go." Her supervisor came over hearing this conversation and decided to tease around to both of them. River covered her blush but that did not work. Veda saw the blushing and giggled softly then smiled at River.  After closing the store, Newman, Veda and River went to dinner at the famous breakfast restaurant. After they all had a long days work they all went home and Veda became long best friends with Veda.

Hope you enjoy this. Thanks for giving me words of encouragement..... Sorry this is so late but thanks.

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