Wow, love... What is it?

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Ok, seriously getting personal here. You can tell me or your friends. We all tell our friends our feelings. At least I do. My close friends. What is love?

How does it feel? Why do we even need that emotion or hormone?

I'm here to clear it all up. The best way I can anyway. If you think I'm wrong then please tell me why. I will be more then happy to hear you out.

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If it ain't love. Then why does it feel so good?

Well, from my many experiences.... Like I have experience? Yeah, I'm not very proud of it. Those stories don't need explaining. You guys can have spared details.
Unfortunately....... Laugh out loud!

So love is something you see or hear or feel. I haven't really had that kind of "love"! (The feels) you might hear someone hear or say.... they mean they felt the love in the room or on themselves. Anyway.... Hey! No hate comments that's not nice. You wanted to know what love is, and I'm telling you.

Another thing about "Love" is that cute boy you see across the room. My first reaction is, "Ooo! That boy looks like Matt Smith or David Tenant! Let's check him out!" Some times it works out, or he totally blows me over. What I'm saying is that love comes when you want it or comes finding you. Like most of mine (( boys)) I've had to seek out. You may think I'm crazily insane which is true I am insane "we all are." That's why we fangirl so much, right?

Also to add to this, scientists have also found that your brain looks for someone prefect or with interest. Something with the same traits as ourselves.

Example: If you have a crush or someone you like..... You think it's logical to tell them. That's your hormones telling you this. You may think your emotions for this person is telling you this but...... The sad news is that he or she doesn't care for you in the same way. It kind of sucks, I know.

Example: So if us Kinglets or Whovians think Alex Kingston, Matt Smith and David Tenant is cute. It's because we see they are funny, handsome, pretty and have the potential of meeting us. Then we could hang with them. At least this is what I've come up with.

At least the bright side of this is that your operating with yourself and in the end you don't blame others for either making you feel uncomfortable. They could but it's normally us girls that do it to ourselves.

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