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This about River and the Doctor. Hope you enjoy.
This would be me with JackyBooAndFriends and her brother's friend and his girl. I hate it when people treat me like a low person to be around. It hurts! It hurts to be gossiped about and it really hurts when you say sorry and no one cares. I love my best friend's brother's friend. He used to love me until sh!t hit the fan and then that wonderful girl anonymous to you all... grab his eyes. That's what happens when you move and everyone says YAY! She's gone! I hate being River. She is a bitch and no one loves her. Just like me! Why did I get River!? Why? I'm a good person. I try very hard to be on my best behaviour. Just no one gives a shit about me. It hurts guys when you have someone who tries to make friends and you just push them away. Why can't those people be your friends? Is it because.... what they're fat, glasses, or your just to rude yourselves to girl up and talk to them. Maybe their having trouble. Maybe you should take time to get to know them. Ya know friends real friendships hear each other out. It's not nice to exclude them from your life or hurt them because of the way you look. I'm tempted to screw Facebook and screw them people that think they like me and say FU because I don't need that kind of stress. I make myself sick sometimes.

River Song - Hello Sweetie 😆

The 11th Doctor - Ya know River how creepy that is. 😵 😐

River Song - It's not creepy! Your what's creepy.

The 11th Doctor - I'm not creepy! Ugh! When will you ever learn.

Clara has joined chats.

Clara - Hello guys.

The 11th Doctor - Hello Clara, how are you doing?

River Song - I'm not being creepy. Am I Clara?

Clara - That's what I've been meaning to tell you.

River Song - Uh!? You too deserve each other! 😈

Clara - We do not! Please don't be mad.

The 11th Doctor - I'm not sure I understand. River, you don't have any right to be speaking because your three states away and it you were closer I'd date you.

River Song - You didn't ask me out when I was there, so flip off!

The 11th Doctor - You f off!

Clara - Guys!?

River Song has blocked The 11th Doctor and Clara from chatting.

The 11th Doctor - She's a bitch.

Clara - Yeah, all girls are.

River Song has unblocked both friends.

River Song - You both are so dear to me but you also piss me off.

The 11th Doctor - Don't worry the feelings are the same towards you.

Clara - River, the reason we don't like you is because you come across rude, you aren't pretty and I have a hard time with you.

The 11th Doctor - Well she isn't pretty but she's not rude.

( This is when I just lose it all and feel like saying FUCK YOU ALL. I'M GLAD I MOVED BECAUSE I AIN'T HAPPY WITH THE WAY YOU ALL ARE! The feeling are very much the same. You all hurt my feeling really bad. )

River Song - How come you hate me?

The 11th Doctor - One reason is because your not being very nice.

Clara - I have to leave guys. See ya later.

River Song - Oh I'm not very nice!? That's a first. I am the one who's ugly know. What about yourself? Have you looked in the mirror sweetheart? Your not very much of a hotty yourself. Oh and Clara, she's just as much of bitch as any other girl. If you'd hear what comes out of her mouth half of the time. It's demeaning! So if you think I'm ugly or rude you two should see yourselves.

The 11th Doctor - River, I can't talk about this to right know. You know my reasons and you know how I feel about Clara.

River Song - Oh you love Clara! Please enlighten me!? 😈 🔪🔫
🔥 in Hell both of you!

The 11th Doctor - FU and your other lovers!

River Song - Your so welcome for your burn in hell because Clara is no where near hot! I'm way more prettier then her!

The 11th Doctor - River, you absolutely impossible to talk too. It's like your three million miles away and I'm in another galaxy. It's impossible to meet. You have your life and I have mine.

River Song - I love you though. Sometimes you don't see that.

The 11th Doctor - I understand that. I like you as a friend. If we were closer then I'd date you but see your not so we can't.

River Song - I am so sorry. Please forgive me.

The 11th Doctor - Yeah, I have to think about it.

River Song - Doctor, please forgive me.

That's where they left it. He never forgave her in the end and River ( me ) will forever

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