Boots & Boys

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Two people in the middle of the night sit watching stuff on Netflix. Nosh, my used to be friend, said, " Whatcha doing?" As he leans into me trying to see my texts as I say, " Telling Aidia what we are doing." Nosh took my phone putting it on the coffee table until I say, " Hey!" Nosh said, " Watch the movie." I say upset that he had no right to grab my phone, " I was also telling mom what she needed for tomorrow's dinner since they are coming over. So give me my phone back, " as i reach over his long body for it he starts teasing my arm with me reaching for my phone. I say, " Hey Nosh, I need my phone, " Nosh tickles my stomach while he says, " No its mine," then he laughs as I hit his sensitive spot on his stomach. Nosh gets up going to make popcorn so we can settle down for the movie. I race to the kitchen in my slippery socks saying teasing, " Your making popcorn, aren't you? " His dirty mind thinks of something and its readable on his face, so I say, " Nosh, it's clear what your thinking." Nosh said, " Really? What am I thinking then?" I said, " hmmmm that's a tough one.... how about I'll give you popcorn and I don't mean the stuff about to crack open." Nosh laughs saying, " Yeah that was pretty close," he walks over to the refrigerator opening it for butter. I say leaning on the handle, " So...." Nosh finishes my sentence saying, " What?" I say, " So how about that kiss you keep talking about?" Nosh says almost hitting his head on the top door, " I am it's gonna be a while." I say, " What's keeping you from doing it?" Nosh says, " Well for one your moving and second I am sort a in love with some one else." I said, " Oh not this again!" I go sit back down on the couch upset by his comment. Nosh says, " What again this is the first time we are talking about me having another crush." I say, " No I don't think so. This would be the second time and by the way why do you like her? She's a princess." Nosh gets upset saying, " Star, you stop she's very nice." I say, " Yeah she's playing that card because she get away with it." Nosh says, " How do you know she's not even your friend." I say, " Oh so she's your friend now. Well this is a different story!" Nosh was beyond upset saying, " Star, we are done talking about this." I said, " Really? Or is it that I speak the truth." Nosh said, " Shut up." I say, " No you make me shut up cause I'm not done." Nosh says mumbling, " Yeah you are never done." I said, " Cause your an ass sometimes." Nosh said, " Star, stop it just Fuck off." I keep talking as tears come down my face because Nosh is wrong. Nosh comes over to me putting his hand on me saying, " Stop I get it. You hate me for loving her." I said, " No that's where you are both wrong. I am still in love with you." Nosh says, " You just don't know when to stop. I don't love you the same way. I know it hurts but that's life." I say, " I know you've said it so many times." Nosh says, " Your really my only true love but you need to move on." I say, " I can't it's very hard for me cause you've been my lover for a while." Nosh says putting his finger on my lips, " Shh." I close my mouth sitting around in our blanket. After the popcorn is done Nosh sits down with us still cuddling in the blankets only in silence. After the movie is done Nosh goes brush his teeth meanwhile I fell asleep during the movie, so Nosh didn't bother to wake me leaving me to sleep on the couch. In the morning Nosh was getting ready for his job even though it was Saturday, and we promised to spend time together he went to work as usual. I had been visiting my best friend, Aidia for a couple of weeks and since I was in town I saw Nosh. Nosh and I weren't seeing eye to eye for a level of reasons. Aidia had come over to the hotel Nosh and I were sharing for a while for me being there in my home state. Aidia and I talked about our old times and checking up on our new life's until Nosh walks in with Emma, his new girl as he so calls her. Emma and I hated each other for some odd reason maybe it was because we loved the same guy but either way he spotted me and I spotted him first. Emma and Nosh were flirting when I loudly said, " Oh get a room and do it to each other, since that's what you both want!" Nosh was frustrated with me at this point and told me to go to our room and sit then Emma says, " How come Nosh you said to her 'our' room? Aren't you in love with me?" Since I heard their conversation down the hall I yelled angrily, " GO FUCK YOURSELF SLUT!" It probably wasn't the polite thing to say but I was sick and tired of both of them. After Emma left Nosh came in and slapped me so hard that my cheek bled. I went crying when running to the bathroom when shutting the door very hard and locking it. Nosh said very angry and pissed off at me, " Star, open this door!" I opened it seeing his face full of angry rage he just stood there looking at me. Then he said, " Do you even care about me?" I started to speak, but I closed my mouth because I felt like screaming, crying and hitting him all at once. Nosh said, " Don't you ever speak like that again. I'm leaving, but when your visiting is over I want a phone call." Nosh grabbed his coat and went to his parent's house for the first week leaving me with the bills and a bleeding cheek. That night I lie on the bed thinking of Nosh; then Friday came and Aidia and I went shopping for stuff and to spend time together. Evie called me later in that week and we all spent time having a party with Aidia, Evie and their friends. Aidia's older brother brought Nosh over along with my brothers, so Nosh decided to talk to each other with what felt like months. Nosh brought me aside and said privately, " I do love you, Star." I said, " Let's not talk I just want to hug you." Nosh liked this and we stood hugging for a moment when Aidia came over with her mother and seeing us hug. I saw them coming over when Nosh realised me until he kissed me on the lips which was very passionate. I stood back for a moment and was blushing when Nosh said, " Your blushing. That's funny." I laughed it off while saying, " Your blushing also sweetie." Nosh said smiling, " Nice, but now we have to ecology about my crush on Emma." Aidia's mom stood there in awe and kind of shocked what was happening then interrupted saying, " Well, then,Nosh, I think you two have explaining to do. In the kitchen now!" She dragged us to the kitchen while continuing to say, " First I want to know why Emma is the issue and second Nosh why do you hate Star." Nosh began to speak when I interrupt saying, " If I may include something here Emma is the issue because Nosh is in love with the whore." Nosh grabbed my arm angrily when Aidia's mom said, "Nosh, realise your grip!" She said this in a firm tone of vocie. I said, " Nosh, maybe she's playing you and your falling for her tricks. Women do that I don't but she does just ask Aidia's brother!" Nosh was pissed so he said, " Stop! I don't want to hear your stupid explaining you've explained enough." Aidia's mom said firm toned, " Nosh sit down! Star doesn't mean this she's upset and maybe jealous that she's not pretty enough." Nosh spoke saying, " I can't do this. Star is the bitch ok! She's been making shit up about Emma that's not true. Also she's upset because she's a loser and Emma isn't!" I said screaming, " LOOK BASTARD! I didn't come home to get yelled at because you think tits are what you stare at. Your just as much to blame as her." Aidia stood in shock of what was coming out of my mouth. Nosh told me in very pissed off tone of voice, " We are done! Leave me alone and another thing don't bother to call me. Just Fuck off." Aidia's mom could tell I was about to cry until I choked it down and said, " I hope I see you and Emma rot in hell." Nosh grabbed me by the throat and I avoided his hand saying with grabbing a knife, " Don't you touch me asshole!" Nosh said, " Star, leave me alone! I want you to Fuck off!" Aidia had gone outside along with my mother and her mother to look at the flowers. I felt a grip wrap around my waist as I felt something hit my head and I clashed to the ground before I yelled out a scream the next second I was fainted on the ground. My brother and Aidia's brother came running down seeing Nosh hovered over my body with blood on his fingers Aidia's brother ran outside to his dad while my brother called an hospital. Nosh was crying know because he didn't mean to hurt me. Aidia came running in saying, " Nosh! What the Hell dude! You killed my best friend! Your gonna die next asshole!" Nosh said, " I didn't mean to I promise." Aidia's brother said, " Nosh, What happened?" Nosh said avoiding the real argument, " I probably should leave." Aidia got pissed off saying and pushing Nosh back into a chair, " No I hope you go to jail for this. Because your gonna learn that your missing out." Aidia's brother speaks up saying, " So you had to bring up about Emma. You couldn't have just moved beyond that. It's a damn word so if it isn't true then forgive and forget! She's not a bitch she's very nice. She loves you for Christ sakes!" Nosh said, " Hey no language!" Aidia said, " You fucking wounded her. So yeah we are all mad!" My brother came over saying, " Why Nosh!? Why did you have to ruin our time before we left." Nosh said, " She brought it UP! Quite blaming me she wanted to talk about it!" My brother said, " Your not all innocent. I've heard some things like if she showed her face you'd avoid her or kill her." Nosh said, " She won't leave me alone. She keeps called Emma a slut or whore and that all Emma wants is to dick around." My brother said, " Your not being nice." Nosh said, " Me not nice maybe you should talk to her. She's the one that's not nice." At the hospital, I lay wrapped up in a hard hospital bed and the first person that comes in is Nosh a long with his parents. Nosh begins to speak when I turn away from him because it's my turn to not care. Nosh leaves the flowers next to my bed I pick the flowers up and throw them at him saying, " Get out! Your the biggest loser there is, and your the reason I'm in this condition." Nosh walked out quickly and sat in the waiting room. My family decided to stay another week but while they were having fun I was healing on the bed of Aidia's bed.
After a while Nosh and I began to forgive each other, and for the first time for me we went on an date. He rented a hotel room which was seeing out to the lake front with the shiny beach. As I sit waiting for another movie to watch with Nosh he teases me saying, " What if I got you pregnant?" I look at him with a funny face express of what!? Nosh laughed saying, " We can wait. I'm just saying though you keep teasing me about dirty love. So why not?" I say, " Well for one it's not sanitary to be eating pop over the computer, and second I don't want to get pregnant." Nosh said while taking some popcorn from the bowl and setting the computer down so he could sit, " You have a point." I laugh softly while the movie starts to play. Nosh says hugging my side, " Your getting fluffy." I say, " Your not to shabby either sweetheart. You so need to take classes on how to deal with women." Nosh said, " Hey that's insulting. How about I tell you that your a slut." I speak up but close my mouth because it's not something that needed saying. After the last final week staying in our home state with our friends we head back home to our real state back to our home on top of the big hill.

Ok, How was that....? Upsetting? It was for me to write since its about a boy I really miss and love with my whole heart. He broke it the last week.

Now this story was analogy about me and someone that I love very much but right know he hates me. I moved away to another state lets just say and he told me over chats the other month that he had a crush on me and I think it was a strong one he's just not telling me. Now my best friend ( JackyBooAndFriends) had seen this the first day he was invited to her party one day and we went roller skating. We laughed it off but it turns out it was true. Lol. Well, I moved and he fell in love with someone else that I personally can't stand! He tried to get us to talk and be friends I'm thinking. Well this didn't go well at all we both had a big fight and I don't need to go into details but basically he told me to Fuck off. Yeah and he told me how he felt about swearing from a women like me. So I stopped but he continued to do this..... Unfortunately, I heard that his new girlfriend swears just the same, but apparently he doesn't find this offensive. Well I got into another argument with this girl he loves, ew, with him being the issue and he's not happy with me. I still love him a lot. My friends down here say to drop him and my ultimate best friends directioner_chic, RacRazlin0002, JackyBooAndFriends) said to drop him in the first place but Idk. If you saw him you'd either say Ew he's ugly as Fuck or beautiful and fall in love. I have mixed feelings about him. Anyway, we just had fights and its all because we moved. So then to continue with him in the story for almost killing me was about breaking my heart cause the reason is we had picked out a ring for fun reasons because he, and I thought we were in love with each other in the beginning then he found his other chic cute well that pissed me off. He didn't care because he apparently he told me I was ugly and why would any boy find me attractive well if he knew me better then he'd think differently. I have no problem attracting boys under 18 yrs old. Nosh in the story is my old and used to be guy that loved me. Well the night he told me to f off was the night I cried myself to sleep. Hope that's makes him upset more for making me cry. He never wants to chat over the phone either with me of course he'll do it with my best friend, my brother, his new girlfriend or my best friend's brother. So I decided to include these songs with this book:

Look them up ok.... thanks.
FU by Miley Cyrus
Someone by Miley Cyrus
Drive by Miley Cyrus
Now keep in mind these songs might have language, but you should be mature enough to listen to them.
Do my thang by Miley Cyrus
Dirty by Kesha's
Party at a rich guys house by Kesha
Va va voom by Nicky Minaj
Pills n' Potions by Nicky Minaj
S&M by Rihanna
s.e.x. by Nickleback
Well that's it please give me a thumb up if you enjoyed this.

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