7. The Meeting

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In my room:

'That was embarrassing! Stupid Yoshida-kun!' I thought.

I got one of my blue poofy dresses and got into the shower. When I got out I went downstairs and saw that everybody was at the dinner table already.

"I'm so slow, ain't I?" I asked them with a sweat drop on my head.

"Yes, yes you are," they all answered.

I sat down and noticed that there were a lot of other people sitting there.

'I think that these people are family of Yoshida-kun,' I thought.

Yoshida-kun stood up and started talking.

"Today, we're going to introduce 2 new people that are gonna be part of our family soon. Let's start with the young lady," he said as he pointed at me. "This young lady's name is Shimizu Katsumi. Now, Azami, if you'll please introduce the young man over there?" he asked Azami as he pointed at Gilbert.

"Hello everyone. I will now introduce this young man to y'all. His name is Nightray Gilbert. As you can see he's really handsome."

I swear I was about to slap her right there!

"They will be part of the family really, really soon," Yoshida-kun said as he looked at his sister.

Me and Gilbert stared at eachother with faces that said,

'What do they mean?' or 'What's going on?'

"Well, that's all for today. Thank you all for coming!" Yoshida-kun said as everybody left out the front doors.

"Yoshida-kun? How come you didn't tell me or Gilbert-kun that we were going to have a meeting?"

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise."

"But we're still confused. Why did you make this meeting?"

"You'll find out later."

"Fine," I said as I left to my bedroom and changed into my pj's. I got into bed and went to sleep.

'I wonder what's going on that neither me or Gilbert-kun know about? It's kinda strange,' I thought.


I woke up to the sound of a chain coming near. I got up quickly and changed into my dress that I wear all the time. (The one in the picture) I got out of my room and ran to Gilbert's room. I knocked on it really hard.


"What?!" said a really angry, cute in a way, Gilbert.

"A chain! There's a chain! And it seems...pretty...st-trong..." I felt weak all of a sudden.

"Katsumi?! What's wrong?!"

"That chain...is...really strong. Too s-strong for...me to h-handle. I'm sorry...Gilbert. Now...go kill it b-before the Yoshida's f-find...out...that we h-have special abilities."

"No! Katsum-"

"Pl-Please! For...me?"

"Fine!" he said as he laid me down on his bed and headed out the bedroom door.

'Why do I feel so weak? I never feel this weak. I've fought chains that were way stronger than this one, but for some reason this one's different. I feel like I've met this chain somewhere during my life time. But, maybe I'm just going crazy,' I thought.

I heard something hit the wall all of a sudden. I moved out of the way from the bed. All of a sudden a huge arm punched a hole in the bedroom wall and the hand grabbed me.

"Katsumi!" yelled Gilbert who was trying to kill the chain.

The chain stared at me for a while. I looked into it's eyes and saw that they looked exactly like the eyes of my long lost twin brother.

"Kano? Kano, is that you?"

The huge monster turned into a normal human form like me and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Katsumi?! Oh Katsumi! I've been looking for you! I've been traveling around the world killing people and eating their souls so that I could get stronger to get to you faster!" Kano said all happily.

"I thought that I would never, ever see you again! I missed you! So much!"

"Katsumi? Who is this jerk? And why are you hugging him?!"

"Gilbert? Calm down. He's my twin. See?" I said as I twirled Kano around.

"He does look like you! But in a boy version. You're way better, Katsumi. I-I mean... Forget what I just said!" he said getting flushed. >////<

I got blushy too. There was an awkward silence. But, it was broken by Kano saying,

"Hey! Stop blushing! I feel so awkward like this!"

'Just great! Now he made it MORE awkward!' I thought.

"Kano. Why don't I go ask Yoshida-kun if you can stay here, okay?"

"Fine," Kano said happily.

"Okay~! See ya~!" I said.

'Finally! That was getting way too awkward!' I thought as I crashed into Azami.

"Where are you going, Miss Shimizu-san."

'Ughhh. This girl!'

"Miss Azami! How are you this morning?" I asked trying to be as nice as I could and adding a forced smile to my face. I don't know why but I just don't like her!

"Good, good. How about you?"

"Fine, I'm fine. Hey where is your brother?"

"My brother's in his room."

'I don't feel like going that far so I'll just ask her,'

"Hey? Do you know if I can let my brother stay here? I know I'm asking for too much, but please. He's my twin. And I have'nt seen him in years."

"You need to ask him that. Not me. And please stay away from Nightray-kun, will you?"


"HEY-" I was cut off by turning around and seeing that she was gone already.

'Ooooo! I hate her so much!!!'





Thanks for reading! Especially,






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