21. Heehee! XD

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Gilbert's P.O.V:

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left to go explain everything to Azami.

"Bye!" yelled Katsumi as she waved at me.

I turned my head a little and waved back.

Now, I gotta be ready to break Azami's heart...

To be honest... I wasn't really ready to break a girl's heart. That's why I never dared myself to fall in love with someone... because I'm too sensitive... I'm not saying I'm in love with Azami it's just that she's in love with me, and it must really hurt to be put down by the person you love. I mean, if Katsumi turned me down I'd be so devistated...

I finally arrived at the Yoshida's mansion. I knocked on the door... A few minutes later a maid answered it.

"Ah~ Azami-san! Your feyoncei's here!" the maid yelled.

Azami then appeared out of nowhere and when she saw me... she ran to me...

"Gil! I thought you left me for that cat girl!" she whines as she hugged me tightly.

"Cat girl? Do you mean, Katsumi?" I asked.

"Yeah... her... You only care about me right, Gil?" she asked looking up at me with her eyes glossy because of all the tears that were bundled up inside them.

I sighed.

"Azami... can we talk?"

She looked at me with wide eyes. And yelled,

"Why?! What's so special about her, Gil?! Why is she so important to you?! I envy her!!! So much!!! She's poor and she's not even beautiful! Why would you pick someone like that over such a beautiful and rich-"

She gasped.

"......... Gil?... HOW COULD YOU?!"

I slapped her.

I looked at her face-to-face.

"Don't you EVER talk about my wife like that," I growled at her.

"Y-Your wife...?!"

"Are you deaf? I said MY WIFE! Katsumi Shimizu is my bride!!!"

She fell to the ground on her knees... sobbing...

"So... in the end... I'm alone once again... well, that's a shame..."

"Azami... I'm truly sorry. I wanted to let you know because... I'm a canceling our marraige."

"Yes. I can see that... Well, that's nice... I hope y'all will last forever. I'll be here whenever you need me back. Okay?"

I sighed and said,

"Yeah..." I shot her a smile and then I left walking back to Katsumi.

I didn't think she'd be that understanding... is she growing more mature...?

"Well... see you later, Gil!" she said cheerfully as she dismissed me and entered her house and slammed the door behind her.

I knew that she was still angry and depressed that I picked Katsumi over her, but it was fair! I've known Katsumi longer and I really missed Katsumi.

I started to walk back to Oz's mansion when I heard a rustle in the bushes.

"Who's there?" I asked.

They rustled again.


"Surprise!" said a voice behind me and before I could turn around the person was already on my back... -.-

"Katsumi. I told you to stay at Oz's mansion."

"I know. But that doesn't mean that I couldn't have gone~" she said as she winked at me.

I felt my face heat up.

"Awww~ You're blushing!" she said as she pinched my cheeks.

"A-Am not!" I yelled at her.

"Liar!" she said as she threw a piece of cake at me.

"What the...? Why'd you do that?!" I asked angrily.

"Why did I throw the cake at you? Because... Hahahahaha! I don't know why!" she said while she was laughing.

I wiped it off my face.

"Please don't do it again."

"Aww~ Did I make you mad~?" she asked with a sweet voice.

I smiled like a fool.

"Hahahaha!!! I knew you couldn't stay mad at me!" she said as she hugged me. "I really love you, Gil."

I hugged her back.

"Me too..."


Keep reading!

Sorry for the late update!

I know it was a short chapter but I'll be sure to make the next one extremely long!!! XD

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