22. The Wedding! >////<

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I woke up at 6 A.M. noticing that my calender had a huge circle on today. It said,

'Today's wedding day!'

"Oh yeah! Today I get married to that special someone..."

I smiled like a fool and then I heard a knock on the door.

"Miss Katsumi-san, are you awake?"

"Yes," I replied back.

Right then I noticed it was just an everyday maid from her voice.

"We're going to go get your dress," she said.

"My dress...? Y'all already bought it?" I asked confused.

"Sir Gilbert bought it for you."

"Oh... Okay. Go ahead and go pick it up. When you come back just set it on my desk where I keep all of my perfumes. I'll be taking a shower when y'all come back."

"Yes ma'am. We understand. Excuse is, milady," I heard her start walking away.

Wow. Gilbert is such a sweet guy...

I smiled like a fool while I settled into my bathtub.

Gilbert's P.O.V:

I rose early and ordered and payed Katsumi's dress. All she has to do now is get ready and arrive at the wedding.

I'm finally marrying someone... someone that I truly love...

I was all ready. Now all I had to do was tell the maids to fix up the ornaments outside. Me and Katsumi decided to get married in Autumn and outside. Not too cold, but not too hot. Just... perfect.

"GIL!!!" I heard a yell that sounded a lot like Oz's voice.

Oh no...

"Are you awake??? If you aren't I'll go in and wake you up!" Oz exclaimed.

"I'm awake! Don't yell! You're too loud!" I yelled back.

"Listen to yourself! You're louder than me!"

"Whatever..." I sighed and said at the same time.

He walked in and asked,

"Are you nervous, Gil~?"

"No... I'm just worried... what if she doesn't make it to the wedding...?"

"Why are you so worried? Of course she'll arrive! She's a girl! She has been dreaming of this moment all her life!" he said.

"You're... right! You're actually right! Thanks Oz!" I said as I hugged him.

"You're welcome, old friend."


"Oh no... Well, gotta go Gil! I'll be at your wedding! But f-"

Alice appeared at my door and she was wearing a really puffy dress and she was wearing make-up. I tried to hold back my laughter but I couldn't stand it anymore and burst out laughing!

"What are you laughing at, Seaweed-head???" she asked angrily.


She jumped out my window and chased Oz around till she caught him and beat him up.

I got dressed and went to go check on the maid's work. The cake was looking good so far and the ornaments were looking perfect outside. I took a deep breath.

"Only 2 more hours and she'll be here."

Katsumi's P.O.V:

*knock, knock*

"Miss Katsumi! We brought you your dress! We're gonna set it on your desk. We'll be outside your door then you can call us so we can come in and help you put the dress on."

"Okay! Thank you!"

I heard the maids leave and shut the door. I got out of the bath tub and put my under clothing on. Once I was done with that I called them.

~1 hour later~

"There! It's perfect!" said the first maid.

"Yeah. You look beautiful!" said the second maid.

"Ahahaha. Thank you so much! I feel special," I said as I smiled happily.

They both giggled.

My hair was wavy and it was at least 3 inches longer than to my shoulders.

"Now, why don't we head to the wedding?" asked the first maid as she winked at me.

"Yeah!" I said happily.

I picked up the bottom of my dress so that I could move easier in it and started walking to the two front doors. The maids opened the doors for me and I started walking outside. I saw Gilbert in the center just staring at me with an amazed look on his face. He was blushing...

"K-Katsumi..." he said quietly, almost in a whisper.

I was now in front of him.

"Yes...?" I asked as I smiled sweetly.

"You look beautiful..." he said.

I blushed and said,

"T-Thank you."

"Okay, okay! Enough of this lovey dovey stuff! The wedding's gonna start any minute now!" said an angry Alice.

I looked at her and said,

"Aww! Alice! You're so cute!!!" I ran to her and hugged her.

"S-Stop! Don't touch me! Seaweed-head! Do something about your fiancé!" she yelled.

"No. I won't! She can do whatever she wants! That includes annoying you," he said as he winked at me.

I smirked and kept hugging Alice. I didn't let go until Oz came in and pulled Alice away.

"Aww! Oz! I was hugging her!!!" I yelled.

"No! You'll ruin her hilarious image," he said as he let out a snicker.

"O-Oz! STOP IT!!!" she yelled as she started kicking him.

"O-Oz!" yelled Gilbert.

I glared at Gilbert and asked,

"What are you doing?"

He stiffened and said,


I smiled and said,

"That's what I thought. So, how's everything going?"

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