18. The Disaster Party!

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The Next Morning:

Katsumi's P.O.V:

I woke up and got dressed. I was changing washing my teeth when someone knocked on the door and said,

"Miss Shimizu-san. There's a carraige waiting for you outside," and the the person left.

A maid. Nobody important.

I got ready and went outside into the carriage. I sat alone in there waiting for the carriage to move. It finally started moving and I looked out the window.

It's such a sad day today... The trees aren't dancing, the sun's out but the clouds hide it. Why, is everything so sad today?

The carriage finally stopped. The butler opened the carraige's door and gave me a hand on getting out. I got out and two maids came out taking me into a room where they had my wedding dress. It was... beautiful.

"Now, we'll put it on for you," they said.


When they were done they fixed my hair and decorated it with some beautiful white flowers, and fixed it into a half ponytail with my bangs on the side. I got out and went to where they were gonna make the ceremony. Hideaki was already upfront waiting for me. He turned around and smiled. But it wasn't a sincere smile. 

Gilbert's P.O.V:

I woke up and noticed that my wedding was today.

I really don't want to get married! Especailly with someone that I'm not in love with! Talking about marriage... I wonder if I should tell Katsumi about this... maybe I should invite her... But what if she doesn't want to come? What if she gets mad at me 'cause I'm marrying a woman that she hates? I don't know... I'll just go tell her anyway...

I walked all the way to Oz's Mansion and knocked on the two front doors. To my surprise Sharon-sama answered the door. She looked at me.

"Gil-kun? What are you doing here?" she asked surprised for some reason.

"Umm... I was wondering if I could have a small talk with Katsumi-san?" I asked.

"Oh~ I'm sorry Gil-kun, but she just left a few hours ago..."

"Where'd she go?" I asked worridly.

"Well... she went to go get married..." she said.

My eyes grew wide.

"G-Get married? With who?" I asked sadly.

"I'm not sure... I think his name was... Hideaki? Yep! Hideaki-kun~" she said happily.

"Hideaki you say? Oh... It seems like she actually had feelings for him. Well I th-"

"Now wait just a minute, Gil!" yelled a Oz that popped out of nowhere.

"Oz?" I asked.

"Don't just give up so easily on her like that! I've always looked at how you amd her act around eachother and how y'all act when y'all aren't around eachother! Y'all both love eachother! Everytime that you and her are together both of y'all smile more! Especially you, Gil! You NEVER smile!!! It's really rare to see you smile!" he yelled at me.

"Oz-kun are y-you alright?" I asked.

"Yes I'm alright! My question is, Will you let some guy have a unique, special girl like Katsumi?!"

I looked down at the ground.

He's saying the truth. I can't let someone like Hideaki have Katsumi in his arms. I gotta go save her!!!

"Okay, Oz... I understand... I'll go!" I yelled as I ran out the mansion and ran to Hideaki's Mansion.

Katsumi's P.O.V:

I walked down the path and met Hideaki upfront. We stood there and the priest started talking.

"The step which you are about to take is the most important into which human beings can come. It is a union-"

The priest was interupted by someone yelling,


Everybody turned around to see who it was... I also ended up turning around... I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing... There, right in front of me... stood the man I most loved,


"Katsumi!" he yelled as he ran towards me, but before he could do anything else... I fell to the ground and everything went black...

Gilbert's P.O.V:

I ran towards her but before I could do anything else her eyes suddenly grew wide and she fell to the ground... She was stabbed.

"Well, well I didn't think you'd actually show up to my wedding with Katsumi," said Hideaki with a smirk formed on his lips.

I stood there in shock.

"Was this your doing, Hideaki?!" I asked angrily.

"Yes... but no... Your little brother over there was also involved in it as well," he said as he pointed over at Vince.

I glared at Vince and went over to where he was and asked him,

"Why'd you do this, Vince?!"

He looked at me with a smile and said,

"Because no one can have my Nii-san besides me."

I slapped him.

"So that's your reason?! You're so pathetic... Actually I don't what know what you are anymore!"

"Don't yell at Vincent-sama like that!" yelled Hideaki.

"Echo! Take Katsumi away!" yelled Vincent.

"Yes, Vincent-sama," said Echo.

"No!" I yelled.

I noticed that I couldn't move. I felt like something was holding me down

"Hahahahaha! I see you fell into my trap!" said HIdeaki. "That's the power of my chain, March Hare."


"Nuh-uh! Don't blame me, Gil! I was only doing what I was told to do!"

As soon as he said that everything blacked out for me...





Ugh! School! So hard!!!

Sorry for the late updates!

I have school now!!! *smiles but in the inside crying*

Anyways, please keep reading!!!

The next chapter is gonna be a good one!!!

My hermit crab died not so long ago... and I'm sad.

So please wish me luck on getting happier.

Thank you~

Bye~ :)

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