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-briarbear- I hope you don't mind I stole your idea, she came up with this guys, also go check out her epic art book!!

Okay so here's the thing, words I hate.

Don't be offended.


Just because you use these words doesn't mean I have you or will never talk to you again it just means when I see these words I kinda cringe a little.

Anyway. This is gonna be long

Sooooooo - the word so with an excessive amount of unnecessary o's

Excessive XD's - yes I'm well aware of the fact that I say this all too frequently but that's because I'm trying and failing at making the situation less awkward. I try though. But when you start and end a comment with XD it's a little much. (Same goes for lol)

Kawaii - unless you can fluently speak a sentence in Japanese please. Don't. Like I don't know why, but this one gets on my nerves because of the kids at my school constantly screaming THATS SO KAWAII.

How - because it usually begins a sentence like how do you draw so well or how did you do that? Which I'm very tired of XD. Not that I don't appreciate it but you know what I mean.

Senpai - I prefer the term "Overlord"

LOLOLOLOL - please. Stop.

And basically if you use a zero instead of an o or a three instead of e - I'm begging. I actually find it rather irritating like even though I can read it but wh3n y0u t3x7 m3 l1k3 7h15 yeah no my eyes hurt.

Strange emoji faces...- like 5~7 WHAT DOES IT MEAN. I mean j use :3 and ^-^ all the time but like 0/3 WHAT IS IT.

I feel like sounded offensive.

It wasn't meant to be I love you all this was humorous. True, but humorous. don't apologize or anything, again I'm not going to like ignore you for eternity, just saying.

Thanks briar for the idea btw :3

Anybody else have words that make them want to punch themselves through the eyes I mean make them mildly uncomfortable? :)

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