and answers!

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you guys have really good questions lol okay so

What is your dream job?
A concept artist for Disney or Nat. Geo. photographer.

Do you like/heard of Warrior Cats?
Yes, I've read the first book but it got a tad confusing. it was a good series though.

Who and what gives you inspiration for drawing?
Well definitely Fukari on devianart, Cyarine on Instagram, and a few other people on here. And what is kinda nature, watching people around me.

Why did you start and what gives you the motivation to continue drawing today?
I basically just started drawing. It was always like a hobby up until this summer when I actually put effort into it. And I suppose the thought of being able to help somebody through my art, kind of hoping that maybe one day someone might be changed or moved or feel something through me kinda keeps me going. :)


What is, in your opinion, the best drawing you've created on Wattpad so far?
Ahhh. That's hard. I've never really had a favorite. I guess he one with my vent OC and the hands I always liked that.

How long have you been drawing?
BIRTH. no but seriously drawing? Like actually trying? July 2015

Do you like waffles? Do you like pancakes? Do you like French toast?
*i'm just gonna wink ;)*

Are you a dinasaur?

What is your taste in music?
Combine Fall Out Boy, Pentatonix, and Jess Glynne.

Favorite song?
Right now it's Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy or Ode To Sleep by tøp.

What's your favorite band?
Fall Out Boy, PTX, or P!atd

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Cotton candy

What's your favorite OC to draw?
Ayeee, probably Maria. She's fun

Do you like FOB?
Is that even a question.

What's your favorite type of sweet?
human souls.

If you could be seduced by any one of your OCS who would it be?
All I'm saying is #greensweaterfandom

What's your favorite drawing style?

How late do you plan on staying up?
Eleven...teen. Probably 1-2

Do you ship any of your OCS with other peoples' OCS?

Who's your favorite Wattpadder besides irl friends?
Ahh. That's an awful question. Because I love like 99% of you (yeah that 1% are those passive aggressive comments I keep string XD) no but probably ForgetfulTomorrow because Sen you're awesome or -ArtemisPhoenix- cause she's always so kind and amazing. Or OreoFerret cause she's wonderful and hysterical. But I literally love all of you so that's hard to say.

What's your life goal?
This will sound stupid, but happiness. Or rather, making other people happy. There's this profound feeling I get when I make someone laugh or smile so I suppose thats my goal. Help somebody. Make someone's day brighten.

Who's your favorite OC of one of your friends?
Either BillCipher333's Opal or Terri-K's Annette

Who's our favorite OC and why?
Maria. Definitely her. And why? Because I can kinda connect with her background on a personal level.

Are you self taught or did you take classes?
Self taught! Unless googling anatomy references is a class XD

How long does it take for you to make one drawing?
Depends. A person, colored and lined probably an hour or two.

Jimmy is going to work at the speed of three mph and has 20 pancakes on his head. Someone throws a triangle out of a car using a slingshot and it hits Tammy. If aliens like tacos, how many cupcakes can Pedro but with 8 human souls?

When did you start drawing seriously and why?
June 2015 and because my friends and family started encourage me and I started to see Wattpad art books and it made me realize that if I put effort into it, I could actually accomplish something I'm proud of.

What is the square root of 196?

What is a quadratic equation?
A quadratic equation is a second-order polynomial equation in a single variable. (1) with . Because it is a second-order polynomial equation, the fundamental theorem of algebra guarantees that it has two solutions. These solutions may be both real, or both complex.
Yes I googled that. No I have no idea what the ffffudge that is.

How can you use square roots to graph quadratic equations?

How many terms are in a trinomial?
I give. Take the llama.

Can you teach me how to draw?
No I cannot but I wish you luck in your artistic journey.

Lola likes to paint and draw with mud and blood. If Gary likes to play the violin, how will Lola paint?
With Gary's blood because he sucks at playing the violin.

What's your favorite thing to draw?
Humans. Human girls.

What's your favorite fandom?
Gravity Falls fandom. They're the best and Alex Hirsche, kind of dorks leads them.

Do you like chocolate cake?
I prefer vanilla. That sounded so...formal ugh

How did you learn to draw?
Persistence. It isn't really something you just learn. You need an artistic mindset. I've met many people who wish they could draw but they just don't have the right mindset. Also practice practice helps. Anyone can draw if you practice and find that mindset.

Well that was fun guys. Idk why i like answering questions. ^-^ maybe I'll do that again sometime, thanks for keeping me occupied for a while. <3

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