Pissed off vent

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Btw I'm revamping Shai a lot but I'll talk about that later.

Anyway. I'm pissed at humanity hbu?

I'm just so angry. Em reminded me of my rage with her vent which is good cause I need to get this out and I forgot.

Anyway, I'm just entirely done with humanity. We've failed. We suck. Humans legitimately suck. I feel like there's only a few people on this earth who actually care and who actually are kind. So here's what happened, first all my friends are mad at each other and everyone is picking sides and I don't know what to do because I feel like my friend might be blowing it out of proportion but what this other girl did was wrong and I feel so bad for her I don't want to get involved. And just that. 

and then, (this is the one that really pisses me off) this kid, who I've had issues with before, goes and bullies this boy in my class who totally doesn't deserve it because he's incredible nice and never done anything (mostly) to deserve that. and this same kid called me and my friend weird but in a rather derogatory way, and now I wanna punch his ugly butt face inside out. I just hate people. I literally do. there's a small percentage of people I can stand and most are on the Internet.

i just don't understand how someone could possible think that's okay! if there's any guys reading this, explain me this. why the frick, do guys think it's cool to pick on other guys? do they think that being the worlds biggest jerk is going to make people like them? if you think this, that people will like you when you're rude and mean to other people, that's sick. absolutely sick. shoving others down to boost yourself up? i am ashamed to be human because of people like that.

so, i REALLY need to get this out, so here's a letter to that kid who's keeps bullying my friends and any internet/irl bully in general.

dear idiot, I'm sick and tired of your crap, of you bullying my friends to boost yourself up. it is not cool. it's sick. it's wrong and selfish and arrogant. if I hear another word out of you to them, I will not hesitate to make you feel the way you made them feel. nobody deserves that.

seriously guys, this has turned into a message about bullying so I'm asking you to please read this, cause now I'm on a streak.

bullying is NOT cool. it never will be. I don't care if you think youre making a harmless joke, think for a second. think. how could this affect somebody? could it hurt them? it isn't worth it.

when I fell into a slight depression because of my grandma passing away, I was bullied because I was quiet and miserable. people called me goth and dark and depressed and it sucked. I don't care if you think it's funny. it isn't. we recently had a bullying thing at school and they didn't get he point across. nobody talked about the effects of it.

do you even KNOW how much you can affect somebody with just a few words? There are people who have killed themselves because they were bullied so bad. that is sick. if you have bullied somebody and that was the outcome, you should be ashamed. you should feel awful. even if somebody just becomes depressed because of it, no one deserves that. I've had to watch my words recently because I'm worried I'll offend someone.

it's different if it's you and your friend joking, but if you make fun of something for something they can't help, screw you. just screw you so much.

I apologize you had to listen to this but honestly bullying is something that needs to be talked about more. everyone knows about it, but no one is doing a frickin thing to stop it, are they? no. be that person you lovely losers. if you see somebody being hurt, you had better stand up for them. I don't care if it loses you friends or what, that makes you a great person. those people need somebody to defend them. do it.

and on another note, yes I hate most people and yes I spend far too much time on the Internet but I know why. In real life all I hear is, you aren't good enough, you don't matter, try harder, you're so goth, you're weird, just stop.

but here all I ever hear is you're amazing, I love your art, you're so cool!, I love you! and it actually makes my heart skip a beat whenever I get such a nice comment I just want to hug you. like I got this comment once and it said something like "you're an amazing person and I admire you" and I actually cried because it made me feel so ... loved. I just—oh geez now I'm crying haha. it just like makes me feel so great and I want other people to feel that too.

so here's a little challenge, one, please feel free to vent or share stories in the comments, and second, respond to someone's comment. just someone you don't know, just make them feel good. please. and just think before you say something.

thanks for listening guys, goodnight.

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