Little sketch also please read

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I did this little sketch of Alisma in Spanish I'm kind proud of it.

Also. Please. Please. Please read this. It's important to my sanity.

I'm going to try to say this in the nicest way possible. Please don't be offended.

I. Don't. Take. Requests.

Please stop asking. It feels like I'm deliberately being ignored as its on my profile and in the beginning of every book. So please. It's not that I don't want to draw for you its that I surprisingly actually have a life? I know hard to believe. But I actually have to do things like homework and chores and sports and stuff.

If I'm ever taking them, I will post a chapter that says "requests" in big old letters. That's where you comment. And once it's full, I put a big ol CLOSED in the title. That means no more requests.

Seriously though any pms asking will be deleted it's not that I don't care it's just I'm sorry I feel bad I feel like I'm being mean. Okay, we good? Thanks guys. :) I still you love you it's okay!!!

I also have a fluff ton of old requests to finish. So yeah. No requests thanks guys.

❤️ you!

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