Lefty challenge

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Ayeeeee can't do lefty to save my life. And I figured out what it is, I hold my pencil in a very screwed up way (which results in horrible hand posture I guess you can call it) and I can't mimic that control with my left hand because MY DARN FINGERS DONT BEND THAT WAY.

My second grade teacher always yelled at me because I couldn't hold a pen the right way. Like with just the pointer finger on top and like how. It's all wobbly when I do that XD


I'm devoting my summer to becoming ambidextrous. #lifegoals

Btw if there's any confusion Singles Awareness Day is on the 14th same day as Valentines and I've been informed that this and Social Anxiety Disorder have the same acronyms just to avoid confusion. Oh look I have SAD on SAD that's great.

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