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Okay sorry for the lack of art recently I'll probably delete this later but this needed to be said.

What the fudge guys.

I have seen at least five people ask an art thief to steal their art. They asked. They wanted it. Seriously?

If you who asked for their art to be stolen, stop. Stop right now.

And if it wasn't you I'm sorry for he inconvenience.

Okay back to you.

Why. I have experience art theft firsthand when somebody claimed one of my OCS and one of my friends art as theirs. It sucks. It sucks.

We out time money and effort to make a drawing and they they just take it. It's not a good feeling.

So don't you ever even dare ask a thief to steal your art. That's like walking around the streets of New York with a song that says "mug me."

And if you're asking them to steal your art to get attention from the community, that's awful.

I'm sorry if this sounded mean but it's true. Seriously stop it actually makes me angry. You're just egging them on. What ever happened to being matures about it? Be the bigger person. The bigger person turns the other cheek and doesn't respond. Stop commenting it really isn't that hard.

Thanks guys.

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