Chapter 3: Looting

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The ceiling had caved in and we could barely see three feet in front of us.

"Let's check the back of the store. Maybe it's not like this," Chelsea said.

"Good Idea," I replied. We finally found the doors after about an hour of searching.

"Watch your step. They're saying that other looters are setting traps on the floors in case of others trying to steal 'their' food," Jason said. Just when he got done speaking, I stepped on a pressure plate which caused a store freezer to fall . I got out f the way just in time.

"What did I tell ya'?" Jason asked with a smirk on his face.

"Can we just get the food and get out of here?" Chelsea asked. I looked at Jason as if I were asking the same question. He said nothing, but turned around and picked up a box of Salisbury Steak.

"Well...what are you waiting for? Get some food." he demanded. We got as much as possible and walked towards the door when we heard a loud bang. I turned to see Jason trapped underneath a large shelf. I lifted it up and said,

"What did you tell me again?"

"Just shut up and let's get out of here," he said loudly.

"Right behind you," I replied.

The OvergrowthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ