Chapter 6: The chemical

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I walked to the Brooklyn ruins. Not a single soul to be seen. The snow had piled up so high on the destroyed buildings that they started to collapse even more. The streets were lined with cars. I could tell that they only recently arrived there because none of them had snow on them.

Wierd. I turned right onto 5th Avenue and saw a crowd of soliders. They had someone surrounded. I ran up to them.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Oh...We didn't know anybody was still here. Aww who cares? Stay and watch. This man has created the best chemical yet. Well- for this situation anyway," one of the soldiers replied.

"What does it do? Is it safe?"

"It should be perfectly safe, kid. How old are you?" he asked.


"Well, welcome to the day that this snow disappears!" At that, the man stepped up onto a stage and began to prepare a strange device.

"Hello and welcome. I feel that we all need a break from the troubles of this snow. Sadly, I only have enough for one launch," he began.

"Enough of what?" I asked. He looked at me with an angry glare and answered my question.

"The chemical...KX-14. It will end the troubles of this previous blizzard. This machine I have beside me will launch it all over the continent!" he explained.

"All over the continent? I thought it was just New York," I said.

"Oh no, mister...?"

"Turner...Ethan Turner."

"No, sir. The blizzard no other. All of North America felt it's icy embrace." Then he turned a switch on the machine, and a green brick shot out into the sky. A few minutes later, everything changed.

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