Character Profile - Aika

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*Picture illustrated by me
Name: Aika Chiba

Birthday: May 10

Age: 14

Relatives: Marcelle Chiba - Mother (deceased)

Kou Chiba - Father (deceased)

Height: 165cm

Hair: Black with blue tips

Eyes: Brown

Attire: Aika didn't want to wear the school uniform so she chose to wear t-shirts and jeans to school. She wears glasses (they're real, she got them from looking at screens and books too long >.<). She puts her hair into two braids because it's an easy hair style and it keeps her long hair from getting tangled.

Personality:Aika is a strong willed girl who would do anything for her loved ones. She is reserved and has very few people who are close to her. She would go through the depths of hell to protect her loved ones and not regret it a single bit. She doesn't care much about how others view her but she will get angry for her friends. She tries to be independent and not cause any unnecessary trouble but this also causes her to put up barriers. She is very cautious with her actions and will think things through before doing anything. Although it seems like she never gets angry or emotional, she does. She hides her feelings and vents while playing sports. Despite her being so reserved she is good at figuring out others.

Talents/Skills: Aika loves playing and listening to music, it's not often that someone will spot her without her headphones. She  can play a variety of instruments but her main instrument is the piano. She also plays sports and practice martial arts. Since there was a dojo right in front of her orphanage she decided to join. She ended up taking up Taekwondo and became quite good at it. When she was younger she would use the orphanage's computer and eventually taught herself how to code and hack. She is constantly holding back her feelings and emotions which gave her a great poker face. She can also cook and bake, she often bakes cakes for the other children at the orphanage (that is if she feels like it).

*A/N 4 years later and I see the complete Mary Sue I've made ughhhh, I wanna hide in a hole


Fears: Aika has a fear of being left behind or forgotten.

Fun Facts:

- Although Aika loves music, she's a terrible singer

- Aika actually has a weak stomach so if she eats too fast she'll feel sick

- Aika's parents' death anniversary is on her birthday

A/N Hey everyone! How are you? I finally have some time so I decided to make a character profile for Aika. Is she too OP? Oh well, I personally like OP leads. I think I'll start on the first chapter soon. Thanks for reading~~

Oh and feel free to comment your opinions and suggestions :)

Lol I made this at 2:30am, well at least I don't have school tomorrow   

*Future me responding to past me: YOU DEFINITELY MADE HER TOO OP, UGHH DO YOU NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?? Oh well, I probably won't stick to this character sheet for future reference because it is a lot of "JUST WHYY???"

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