Chapter 4

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"Like shit" I replied. I have a massive headache.


"Oh such vulgar language coming out of a delicate flower. It is such a sorrowful day" the loud one complained.

"Ooh I think i'm starting to like this girl" says one of the brothers.


I suddenly remember something that Haruhi said.
" Did you say something about a vase?^^"

" Uhh... yes? Umm... I may or may not have broken an 8 million yen vase hehe..." Haruhi nervously explained.


"Well at least I didn't knock myself out after seeing some glittering lights!"

"When you put it like that..."

Kyoya interrupted us " Okay we will sort this all later but in the mean time we should get you" he pointed at me " to the hospital to get your head checked".

"I assure you that you will get the finest treatment because this is partly our fault, we will try to dim down the lights next time, I will take you to my family hospital"

"No it's fine I think my heads fine"

"NO you must go to get checked, it is possible that you could've gotten a concussion"

"Fine but i'm not going to pay the bills, you better take responsibility!"

"Did you forget we're all filthy rich?" They all replied in unison.

Ughh... Rich people

"Yes all the fees will definitely be covered" Kyoya finally answered.

Kyoya shooed me and Haruhi -since she insisted- into his limousine along with the rest of the weirdos.

We arrived at the hospital and are hospitals supposed to have priceless paintings as decoration? What's with the golden chandeliers and gaudy red carpet? Is it to hide the blood stains or what?

We walk through the shining hallway and to the front desk only to come face to face with the most beautiful individual ever at the front desk.

"How may I help you?" The gorgeous creature asked.

"Uh-u-um c-can I touch you please?" I asked in anticipation.

Everybody looked at me like I was a freak or something but when I want something I'm straightforward with it.

"Processing... Sorry, unable to process request"

"Wow, seriously? Are you sure you didn't hit your head somewhere? Oh, wait you did..." Haruhi commented.

"Hey don't judge, just look at the beauty!"

"Aika... It's an automated secretary. Nothing big" Kyoya told me.

I inputted my situation and ID/other necessary information, well more like I tried to as discreetly as possible since Kyoya kept trying to look over my shoulder and peek at my info... Creepy. It's a good thing I put a wall on my online profile back at school.


I got a pretty sweet room, although there really isn't any use for it since i'm only getting a check up, thanks to Kyoya's connections, hmm... how else can I benefit from these idiots!

The bed was comfy af and the blanket was made of alpaca wool, Freaking alpaca wool!! Soon after settling in, a nurse entered. She took a look at a print out of my filled out online forms. She just nodded and muttered " seems right" and passed me a form asking about all the legal stuff, I didn't really read it, I mean come on it's like 100 pages, i'm not supposed to be signing these anyways.

I signed the form and returned it to the nurse, she took it back to wherever she came from and left us in the room.

The Shadow King's Rival OHSHC(Kyoya X Oc) *In the middle of revisingWhere stories live. Discover now