Chapter 8

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I brought the spoon up to my lips and sipped what remained of Marie's beef stew. It was delicious and made me feel warm inside. Now this is what home tastes like.

The kids ate well today so there was no need to chase them around trying to get them to finish their meals.

I drank my cup of water and started to collect the empty bowls and utensils. I piled them up and brought them over to our large sink. Today was my turn to do the dishes, unfortunately a head injury didn't excuse scheduled chores. The greasy plates filled the sink up to the brim and I slid on the yellow rubber gloves dedicated to dish washing. I had my earphones in and jammed to some music.

Even with the earphones in, I still heard some screeches from the kids playing in the back as they ran amuck. 

I quickly finished the dishes and put them away, speeding off to my room to continue where I left off.

After taking a warm bath, I flopped down onto my bed then rolled onto my side hugging my penguin stuffy. Ahh this is so comfortable... Things were quiet as the kids were all in bed by now. 

I thought back to the moment in the car with Kyoya's hand gripping mine. I think I can still feel the warmth from his hand as I clutched mine to my chest. AHH why am I thinking unnecessary thoughts?! I b-better get to sleep, looks like my brain might actually be damaged if I think THAT scheming Kyoya was nice for a SECOND.

I jumped up and shut the lights off.


The next day I was running late. I grabbed a banana and ran off to catch the bus.

I got to school right as they were about to close the gates. Phew I made it in time. 

"Hmm Aika, today you're on time. However, you were cutting it close, I suggest you set something called an alarm." The homeroom teacher glared at me after his snarky comment.

"Yes sir, I'll be sure to get an adequate recording of your voice. It will surely make me get up and try to get away from it as soon as possible." I replied quickly, bowed and made my way to my seat.

"W-wait what?" The poor guy was confused haha.

"Never mind that, lets move onto our class today."

There were a couple of snickers from the students. I sat down beside Haruhi.

"Good morning!" I greeted.

"Good morning, looks like your head's fine if you're able to say things like that to Mr. Bagu." Haruhi grinned at me.

"Wait his name's Bagu?"




I puled out my laptop and started playing around again. This time, I decided to dig a little more into the school files to see if there's any cool information I can uncover. 

It was about an hour into the class when Mr. Bagu suddenly called on me. 

"Aika, looks like you're enthusiastically taking notes on your laptop over there. Why don't you come up and show us how to solve this problem here?"

His face spelt - I know you're not paying attention, now come up here and make a fool of yourself.

Well, he caught me ┐('ー`)┌

I walked to the chalk board and took a look at the question. Looks like it's math, nice, I already studied this when I was teaching myself how to code projectiles. Looks like he wants me to find the inverse of this function, simple.

I wrote out the steps and final answer just so he wouldn't have anything to criticize.

"How's this?" I asked as I stepped back to admire my work, damn I feel like a smartass.

"It's fine, thank you Ms. Chiba, you can go back to your seat now." Mr. Bagu was clearly disappointed that I didn't look like an idiot in front of the class.

"Good job! I never see you study but I don't think you need to, you look like one of those people who get the gist of things quickly." Haruhi was such an ANGEL.

"Thanks Haruhi, I study too, I just use... uh... alternative methods?"

"Haha, is that you being humble? That's not like you." Haruhi laughed.

"Well, of course, if I kept showing my true brilliance, it'd only discourage everybody as they grapple with the sad fact that they can never reach my level of perfection." I exclaimed jokingly.

"Now that's the Aika I know and love."

We laughed together, then went back to our own tasks. For Haruhi, that meant studying their butt off. I however, went back to tinkering around the school database.

*Aika was jamming to that Takayan song :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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The Shadow King's Rival OHSHC(Kyoya X Oc) *In the middle of revisingWhere stories live. Discover now